Poster Jam is a graphic design poster challenge created by Local Design Circle, it is to allow designers to show off their skills. Each month a new word is given to be the theme of the poster entries. These are my entries into each month of Poster Jam.
As part of Poster Jam in June 2019, I was challenged to create a series of posters around the word 'Superpower'. I used this opportunity to celebrate Japan's greatest masked wrestlers. This idea came about from my belief that Comic Book Superheroes and Professional Wrestling share a lot of traits and as such Pro Wrestlers can be seen as real life superheroes. This spread to the idea that these were newspaper-esque headlines and images of the heroes in action.

In 2020 I created a slightly revised design for my 'Superpower' posters and started selling them via my Etsy store.

July's 2019 Poster Jam was based around the word 'Lazy'. I created three different styled lazy posters, first showcasing lyrics from the band 'black midi' with an aggressive tone that I felt complemented their sound. Second one based around the lazy design I had created for the poster. The third showcasing the very definition of the word and an example of someone who is lazy.

August's Poster Jam word was 'UP'. Instead of using the word as indicated, I wanted to create a series of posters using the word within a phrase that could convey a slightly different meaning within each poster, while maintaining a theme throughout all three.

To celebrate Poster Jam's two year anniversary the theme of September was 'Two'. As a result I started looking at the history of pro wrestling and using the number 2 as my guide, I found that the 2nd champion of three of the championships that shape the current pro wrestling landscape were also the three pioneers of the current pro wrestling landscape. I thought this was quite poignant for the theme that 'Two' represented, as such my design uses the current graphic design trends (bright neon, dusty textures, halftone) to display the historic people and championships that shaped pro wresting in the current day.

During the start of quarantine, Poster Jam chose the word 'Home', so the theme throughout my posters was the bright and welcoming designs that you could see within the home with the underlining stress and dread of the quarantine rules that we didn't know how long we would be kept in.