Subject: Fictional Eco-friendly detergent company 'Eco Cleen'
Aim: To redesign the logo & design packaging for an Eco Cleen product
Inspired by a brief inside the 'Graphic Design Exercise Book', I designed packaging and surface graphics for the fictional eco-friendly laundry pod company 'Eco Cleen'. The brief listed it's target audience with no specific age group, but rather people who are conscious about buying 'green' items, and to put emphasis on making the consumer 'feel good' about their purchase.
Sketches & Research
I did research into eco-friendly companies and their packaging as well as other British laundry detergent competition. Lastly I looked into packaging directions from around the world that inspired my design. These were hyperlinked PDFs, easy for me to return back to websites I found the packaging or the companies official site. This helped for not only finding my inspiration again but for researching how copy was written and how branding worked across multiple mediums when it came to eco-friendly companies.
As part of the brief in the 'Graphic Design Exercise Book', a logo for the company was provided. Although not part of theĀ brief I wanted to update and freshen up the logo into something that could fit the rest of the brief and packaging.

Logo & RGB/CMYK Colour PaletteĀ

Final Packaging