E3 2019: Nintendo Direct
- The Plus & The Minus
First Published 11th June 2019
Theres not loads and loads I'm super into but it was still a really good conference. I enjoyed a lot of what they showed and watching the treehouse afterwards always gives everything a better idea of how it works. Really good Direct!
The Plus
+ Introducing Bowser
This was super charming and funny and it was a great way to introduce Doug Bowser into the Direct. That was very very funny.
+ Gooigi's Mansion
+ The Legned Of Zelda Link's Awakening
Art style is gorgeous, the game looks adorable and just a tonne of fun to play, the dungeon maker looks also like a fun ass time, can;t wait to give this a go.
+ Trials Of Mana & Collection Of Mana
This is extremely cool even for me who has only heard things about the Mana series, I can just jump right in right now. It's just really cool! Especially the Collection being dropped today.
+ Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Still intrigued and still interested in playing the game even though I am not a previous fan of the series, everything about the story looks really cool to me.
+ No More Heroes 3
I haven't played any of these but I have always wanted to! YEAH! Exciting!
+ Contra Anniversary Collection
Not much to say, similar to the other collections it's cool knowing I can jump into a hole series on my switch.
+ Pokemon Sword & Shield
Most of their information was at the seperate Direct a couple of days ago, but regardless I just wanted to say here that this game looks incredible and I am probably gonna buy the crap out of it.
+ Astral Chain
YEP Still looks rad! Looks like you can take over enemies and control them? Sounds like a cool concept.
+ Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 3
I saw some gameplay of this during Treehouse as well and I love evrything about it. It looks like they toook the previous games and just made it better on every level, art style is better, gameplay looks snappier and more fun to control and they changed up the camera angles for a lot of the sequences it looks like. Just a great evolution of some good games!
+ Cadence Of Hyrule
I don't know anything about the indie game that this game was spawned from but I know that I love what this game is selling to me and I can't believe it is out in just a short few days, truly insane!
+ Mario & Sonic At The Tokyo Olympic Games
+ Animal Crossing New Horizons
This looks like Animal Crossing crossed with Minecraft or Stardew Valley and I think that is the most interesting evolution of this series. I can't wait to play that and get lost in my town.
+ Highlight Reel Games
Here's the games that I am interested inor think are cool that they are on Switch: Spyro, Ni No Kuni, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Alien Isolation.
+ Banjo - Kazooie in Smash
+ Breath Of The Wild Sequel
I haven't played BOTW but this is great to here for everyone.
+ Introducing Bowser
This was super charming and funny and it was a great way to introduce Doug Bowser into the Direct. That was very very funny.
+ Gooigi's Mansion
+ The Legned Of Zelda Link's Awakening
Art style is gorgeous, the game looks adorable and just a tonne of fun to play, the dungeon maker looks also like a fun ass time, can;t wait to give this a go.
+ Trials Of Mana & Collection Of Mana
This is extremely cool even for me who has only heard things about the Mana series, I can just jump right in right now. It's just really cool! Especially the Collection being dropped today.
+ Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Still intrigued and still interested in playing the game even though I am not a previous fan of the series, everything about the story looks really cool to me.
+ No More Heroes 3
I haven't played any of these but I have always wanted to! YEAH! Exciting!
+ Contra Anniversary Collection
Not much to say, similar to the other collections it's cool knowing I can jump into a hole series on my switch.
+ Pokemon Sword & Shield
Most of their information was at the seperate Direct a couple of days ago, but regardless I just wanted to say here that this game looks incredible and I am probably gonna buy the crap out of it.
+ Astral Chain
YEP Still looks rad! Looks like you can take over enemies and control them? Sounds like a cool concept.
+ Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 3
I saw some gameplay of this during Treehouse as well and I love evrything about it. It looks like they toook the previous games and just made it better on every level, art style is better, gameplay looks snappier and more fun to control and they changed up the camera angles for a lot of the sequences it looks like. Just a great evolution of some good games!
+ Cadence Of Hyrule
I don't know anything about the indie game that this game was spawned from but I know that I love what this game is selling to me and I can't believe it is out in just a short few days, truly insane!
+ Mario & Sonic At The Tokyo Olympic Games
+ Animal Crossing New Horizons
This looks like Animal Crossing crossed with Minecraft or Stardew Valley and I think that is the most interesting evolution of this series. I can't wait to play that and get lost in my town.
+ Highlight Reel Games
Here's the games that I am interested inor think are cool that they are on Switch: Spyro, Ni No Kuni, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Alien Isolation.
+ Banjo - Kazooie in Smash
+ Breath Of The Wild Sequel
I haven't played BOTW but this is great to here for everyone.
The Minus
- Daemon X Machina
Yeah this continues to kinda look bad to me, sorry guys!
- Panzer Dragoon
I have no connection to this series so I'm sure people hate for saying this is a negative but it looked like ASS. I don't like Shmups either.
- Daemon X Machina
Yeah this continues to kinda look bad to me, sorry guys!
- Panzer Dragoon
I have no connection to this series so I'm sure people hate for saying this is a negative but it looked like ASS. I don't like Shmups either.
E3 2019: Square Enix Conference
- The Plus & The Minus
First Published 11th June 2019
I think this conference was actually really really cool, and as someone who hasn't played any Final Fantasy games, it's hard not to be excited by the look of FFVII due to the infectious excitement when you here the crowd so passionately love everything relating to Final Fantasy. Also for me The Avengers looked so so so good. Let's get into it further.
The Plus
+ Final Fantasy VII Remake
What makes this so exciting for me isn't just the beautiful graphics, isn't just the cool art direction, isn't just the great music, it's the unique blending of turn based combat with active combat gameplay, that is extremely cool and kind of exactly what I would want out a game like this, the switching between character during the battle massively adds to this for me too. The extended gameplay demo was so cool to watch and looked like such a bunch of fun to play, I really want to get my hands on this game and try it out.
+ Square Enix Music
They have good games with great music! Finally got them on bloody Spotify! I'm sure loads of people are really happy.
+ All JRPG Remasters/ReReleases
I don't know most these but thats cool for them to do these I know someone is loving everything!
+ Outriders
Sounds interesting and looks cool. I want to see what they have to show next.
+ Marvel's The Avengers
I am extremely excited by the way the gameplay of this looks, sounds like it is everything we heard rumours for. The graphics are insane and it looks like they really are going hard into the story cinematic aspect of this game. They mentioned about PS4 players getting something secret and special which is DEFINITELY SPIDER-MAN FROM THE PS4, THE MARVEL GAMING UNIVERSE IS GONNA EXIST PEOPLE.
The Minus
- Circuit Superstars
Top down car games suck ass. What a waste of a game.
Top down car games suck ass. What a waste of a game.
E3 2019: Ubisoft Conference
- The Plus & The Minus
First Published 11th June 2019
There was A LOT of Tom Clancy, it's a bit of a flaw of mine to kind of just tune out when a Tom Clancy game comes on screen, just because I haven't played any of them and I have no connection to them, but overall I think show was actually pretty good.
The Plus
+ Watch Dogs Legion
The promise of this game is so incredibly exciting that you have to be excited for it. Also it means a lot more to me as being set in London post Brexit. The pitch is solid and the extended demo gives it a lot of weight behind its claims. Very very excited!
+ Mythic Quest Raven's Banquet
I'm sure everyone hates the fact this is here. But I love It's Always Sunny, so I don't mind being pitched a show based on video games from those guys.
+ Brawlhalla x Adventure Time
I played this game once and thought it was actually pretty good considering it is a Smash clone, but knowing they add licensed characters like Hellboy and now these Adventure Time guys, I don't know why I wouldn't at least give it a try!
+ Jon Bernthal
I don't care about the game he's in particularly I just like him and want him in more things, also his dog is beautiful!
+ Roller Champions
Looks really really rad and fun, I love the art direction and the gameplay looks fluid and arcadey and fun.
+ Gods & Monsters
I don't know what the hell this is?! But it looks pretty! and it's out soon! They really shouldve shown some gameplay though.
The promise of this game is so incredibly exciting that you have to be excited for it. Also it means a lot more to me as being set in London post Brexit. The pitch is solid and the extended demo gives it a lot of weight behind its claims. Very very excited!
+ Mythic Quest Raven's Banquet
I'm sure everyone hates the fact this is here. But I love It's Always Sunny, so I don't mind being pitched a show based on video games from those guys.
+ Brawlhalla x Adventure Time
I played this game once and thought it was actually pretty good considering it is a Smash clone, but knowing they add licensed characters like Hellboy and now these Adventure Time guys, I don't know why I wouldn't at least give it a try!
+ Jon Bernthal
I don't care about the game he's in particularly I just like him and want him in more things, also his dog is beautiful!
+ Roller Champions
Looks really really rad and fun, I love the art direction and the gameplay looks fluid and arcadey and fun.
+ Gods & Monsters
I don't know what the hell this is?! But it looks pretty! and it's out soon! They really shouldve shown some gameplay though.
The Minus
- Assassin's Creed Symphony
Just was on for way too long and was classed as the 'start' of the conference but then after it finished they pretended like the conference hadn't started yet. waste of time.
- Assassin's Creed Symphony
Just was on for way too long and was classed as the 'start' of the conference but then after it finished they pretended like the conference hadn't started yet. waste of time.
E3 2019: Bethesda Conference
- The Plus & The Minus
First Published 10th June 2019
This is by far the worst E3 conference I have ever seen that is none EA, honestly felt like they had nothing to show and felt pointless them doing this. Like Square last year except this was WAY FUCKING LONGER.
The Plus
+ Ghostwire Tokyo
Game seems really cool, but also that woman is the best person out of this whole conference she was amazing and cute and enthusiastic.
+ Wolfenstein Youngblood
Co Op Wolfenstein sounds like a real fun time and the game looks like a whole lot of fun, lets just hope all the story and combat feels as good as it looks.
+ Deathloop
Looks cool and seems really cool. But I wanna know what the gameplay is and how it looks. We really don't know anything about that, which kinda sucks.
+ Orion
I guess this is a plus? I don't know, it's another streaming thing and it's another promise that any of us have yet to see in action in a meaningful way. I still don't believe these will all work fluidly and we just have to wait.
+ Doom Eternal
Remember when they showed that really fucking long gameplay trailer of extended gameplay. I FUCKING LOVE DOOM. IT LOOKS RAD. I can't wait to get my grubby little fingers on that game. KILL ALL THE DEMONS.
+ Ghostwire Tokyo
Game seems really cool, but also that woman is the best person out of this whole conference she was amazing and cute and enthusiastic.
+ Wolfenstein Youngblood
Co Op Wolfenstein sounds like a real fun time and the game looks like a whole lot of fun, lets just hope all the story and combat feels as good as it looks.
+ Deathloop
Looks cool and seems really cool. But I wanna know what the gameplay is and how it looks. We really don't know anything about that, which kinda sucks.
+ Orion
I guess this is a plus? I don't know, it's another streaming thing and it's another promise that any of us have yet to see in action in a meaningful way. I still don't believe these will all work fluidly and we just have to wait.
+ Doom Eternal
Remember when they showed that really fucking long gameplay trailer of extended gameplay. I FUCKING LOVE DOOM. IT LOOKS RAD. I can't wait to get my grubby little fingers on that game. KILL ALL THE DEMONS.
The Minus
- The Crowd
The Crowd fucking sucked I hated them they ruined the fucking conference the most. They made the people on show keep stopping and keep stuttering, they also cheered for things that were clearly boring or not liked by most of the industry. Either these people are plants or they are fans who are too eager to be there and are completely disrupting the show. I hated every fucking second of it. It felt completely infuriating and made the whole experience one of the most mind numbing experiences Ive ever had to sit through.
- Elder Scrolls: Blades
Heard it was bad and it looks bad, stop spending time on this mobile game that no one gives a shit about.
- Fallout 76
The fact that people have to sit and SCREAM about your game having human NPCs is embarrassing. I don't know if it's already too late. I don't mind the idea of the battle royale and the new updates to the game, but it feels too little too late.
- Commander Keen
Why do I want another fucking mobile game. I don't hate mobile games I really don't, but you have to make something that people will care about that isnt riddled with shit in app purchases. I am not interested in this, there is no reason for them to revive Commander Keen for this generation as most of us are younger than the original game. It's dumb.
- Elder Scrolls Legends
Why did you make a 3 to 4 minute live action trailer for your shit as mobile card game! WHY DO YOU TO WASTE MY FUCKING TIME.
- Rage 2 DLC
This is way too goofy to what the game actually is. It didn't live up to the goofy-ness it promised last year so don't try and sell me that again.
- The Crowd
The Crowd fucking sucked I hated them they ruined the fucking conference the most. They made the people on show keep stopping and keep stuttering, they also cheered for things that were clearly boring or not liked by most of the industry. Either these people are plants or they are fans who are too eager to be there and are completely disrupting the show. I hated every fucking second of it. It felt completely infuriating and made the whole experience one of the most mind numbing experiences Ive ever had to sit through.
- Elder Scrolls: Blades
Heard it was bad and it looks bad, stop spending time on this mobile game that no one gives a shit about.
- Fallout 76
The fact that people have to sit and SCREAM about your game having human NPCs is embarrassing. I don't know if it's already too late. I don't mind the idea of the battle royale and the new updates to the game, but it feels too little too late.
- Commander Keen
Why do I want another fucking mobile game. I don't hate mobile games I really don't, but you have to make something that people will care about that isnt riddled with shit in app purchases. I am not interested in this, there is no reason for them to revive Commander Keen for this generation as most of us are younger than the original game. It's dumb.
- Elder Scrolls Legends
Why did you make a 3 to 4 minute live action trailer for your shit as mobile card game! WHY DO YOU TO WASTE MY FUCKING TIME.
- Rage 2 DLC
This is way too goofy to what the game actually is. It didn't live up to the goofy-ness it promised last year so don't try and sell me that again.
E3 2019: Microsoft Press Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 10th June
Microsoft had a pretty ok conference all round, some cool things in there some boring things in there. All to be expected in the last year of their console generation.
The Plus
+ The Outer Worlds
Looks awesome, I can't wait to play it, thank god it isnt exclusive to the Xbox! Means I can still play on my PS4. Also a release date, and its soon!
+ Bleeding Edge
Reminds me a lot of cool Overwatch type cartoony characters but 3rd person melee. Sounds right up my alley. Sadly I probably won't be able to play it :(
+ Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
This was a really rad trailer showing a little more stuff in it than the demo from EA Play. Again I have some worries but it looks awesome.
+ Blair Witch
That was a really cool trailer and if I was into horror games Id be super into it. It kinda looks like theres a time travel concept with the camera, or I'm missing something cause I havent seen the movie.
+ Cyberpunk 2077
+ Spiritfarer
Look at this wholesome hugging cartoon simulator, I want it. I want my animal friends to love me and I love them and we all live happily on a ship in the sea we all hang out and have a good time.
+ Indie sizzle reel
I liked the look of a lot of those games, but I am specifically interested in Afterparty the game by the devs who made Oxenfree, which is an amazing game that I played a couple of years ago.
+ Double Fine & Psychonauts 2
I need to play Psychonauts. The game looks rad and this new one also looks amazing, so I should just get to it and play it.
+ Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga
FUCK YES FUCK YES, it seems as if there is no talking again which is awesome! Just re release the original games in high res add these new ones with no talking and you can TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY.
+12 Minutes
This seems so scary and frightening and just intriguing, sounds super cool and I definitely wanna get it when it come out.
+ The Elden Ring
Sucks that this got leaked really ruined the surprise but nevertheless it is cool to see.
+ X-Cloud & Project Scarlett
This is all really exciting and cool to hear, can't wait to see what they have to offer next year, this was about as much as I thought we'd be seeing so no surprise from me, but still cool. The most exciting for me is also the fact that the Scarlett is gonna be backwards compatible with all 4 generations of the Xbox. Which is insane.
+ Halo Infinite
I'm not a Halo guy but the trailer was really really cool and knowing now that this is kind of a soft reboot makes me wanna jump right into the game. I own Halo 3 so maybe I'll play that...
The Minus
- Minecraft Dungeons
It's not exactly a minus but I don't understand why they wouldn't just put designed dungeons in Minecraft itself. I feel like that would've been a way cooler concept than making a whole new game with different gameplay.
- Microsoft Flight Simulator
This is extremely lame. Who in the world cares about this game enough to wanna watch a 2 minute trailer for it in the middle of E3?
- Gears Pop
BAD BAD BAD Mobile game. Also if you're Funko, why is the first franchise you use for a video game Gears? Why not something you already have that is much more popular in every way like Star Wars, or Game Of Thrones or Marvel.
E3 2019: Pre-E3 Announcements,
Stadia Connect and EA Play
- Some Thoughts
First Published 8th June 2019
We back again for E3 2019, very different this year, no Sony, no proper EA conference, a Google Gaming platform known as Stadia and next gen seeming very imminent. It seems to be a weird year for the convention, but nevertheless I am still extremely excited by just some of the pre announcements already. Let's go through them in no particular order.
Destroy All Humans! Remake
I didn't play a lot of these games back on the PS2 but I did play it round friends houses and enjoyed what they were. Honetly this is a series I have always been curious in and the announcement of a remake seems like a great time to jump on. The trailer is really fucking cool as well, I think it must be a Rammstein song but it just really rules, the graphics in the trailer look so good, it is definitely just a pre rendered cut scene but if the game looks half as good as that I will be over the moon.
Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
AW HELL YEAH, we're getting some good as Spongebob games back, now we just need the flying dutchman game, lights camera pants and the movie game. There wasn't much of a trailer for this so unsure what it could look like but it's still exciting from my opinion.
Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair
Didn't play the first game, but it looks as if this game is going for a side scrolling platformer and a top down styled over world, unlike the first games, 3D platformer collect-a-thon. Seems cool and fun looking!
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
Haven't been a big CoD guy in a long time, but after play the first Modern Warfare remake recently and remembering the enjoyment I got from some of those games I actually am interested in this game. Trailer is really good too. I have a feeling that this might still be in a conference, or this beig announced Pre-E3 confirms that Microsoft had no room for Call Of Duty this year, which would be interesting.
Death Stranding
I still don't know what the fuck this about, but there was a lot more shown here than there was last time and it looks really good and interesting. That's about as much as I have to say because idek what it is gonna be especially after all those tweets Kojima made about the game afterwards saying it isn't an action game its a strand game.
Pokemon Direct on Sword & Shield
DYNAMAX, what a cool ass looking game. I love the open world, I love the seeming fous on arena battles, thats the kinda stuff I want to see in Pokemon as someone who isn't massively attached to the franchise. I think it looks like enough of a change that a lot of fans will be really interested in trying it out.
Stadia Connect
Honestly the promise of Stadia continues to be intriguing but the (maybe) death of physical media still upset me as someone who loves to buy and own physical media. I think the pricing and how it will all work is still confusing even though they have announced it all.
EA Play
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
So they showed off an uncut 15 minute gameplay session from the game, and initial thoughts are that it looks really really cool. Combat looks like God Of War, thats the closest I can get to describing it, they kept saying the footage was being played by a 'skilled player' it's a game that hasn't come out yet so I don't know how skilled he is supposed to be, but he was getting hit a lot, and to me that either shows that the game is really hard, the combat is possibly messy or he is purposely trying to show being hit, not sure? Also I found it a little worrying with the way the combat looks, it looked (again) a bit messy, there was only a few cool abilities shown, and it makes me wonder if the game will have a combo list like God of War and a ability tree like God Of War that you can unlock more moves for your lightsaber and the force. This demo made it look like a linear level structure, maybe a little too linear? Not sure maybe I'm just being very cautious about the whole thing? Overall it looks really great. Excited to see more at Microsoft.
Apex Legends
I haven't played much Apex since it came out, not that I didn't like the game, I really loved the game, I think I lost my passion for playing because I wasn't building to anything I really wanted a lot like a skin, like I would do in Overwatch a couple years ago. Well that has changed with what they showed here today, they said 'I think we've upped our skin game' and I agree with that, just with the short few illustrations it looks really cool. Also the new Wraith skin (who is my main) that is out now looks really rad. The big reveal for this was the Season 2 character Watson, which I love everything about, a really different styled character, art direction wise and game play wise, she seems like she might be too over powered but we wont know until we get our hands on her. She has a back story which is the first time this game feels like it's building more of a heavy lore around it, which is what I really wanted out of the game. I always liked the designs of all the characters but Watson looks like they have a made an effort to go out in a different direction. I'm really excited about her and the way the game is going, feels like they understand what made the game less than perfect and aiming to fix that. Overall Season 2 looks very exciting especially with the tease at the end of seemingly a giant dragon!? Very interested and I will definitely playing over the weekend to get that sweet double XP.
Destroy All Humans! Remake
I didn't play a lot of these games back on the PS2 but I did play it round friends houses and enjoyed what they were. Honetly this is a series I have always been curious in and the announcement of a remake seems like a great time to jump on. The trailer is really fucking cool as well, I think it must be a Rammstein song but it just really rules, the graphics in the trailer look so good, it is definitely just a pre rendered cut scene but if the game looks half as good as that I will be over the moon.
Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
AW HELL YEAH, we're getting some good as Spongebob games back, now we just need the flying dutchman game, lights camera pants and the movie game. There wasn't much of a trailer for this so unsure what it could look like but it's still exciting from my opinion.
Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair
Didn't play the first game, but it looks as if this game is going for a side scrolling platformer and a top down styled over world, unlike the first games, 3D platformer collect-a-thon. Seems cool and fun looking!
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
Haven't been a big CoD guy in a long time, but after play the first Modern Warfare remake recently and remembering the enjoyment I got from some of those games I actually am interested in this game. Trailer is really good too. I have a feeling that this might still be in a conference, or this beig announced Pre-E3 confirms that Microsoft had no room for Call Of Duty this year, which would be interesting.
Death Stranding
I still don't know what the fuck this about, but there was a lot more shown here than there was last time and it looks really good and interesting. That's about as much as I have to say because idek what it is gonna be especially after all those tweets Kojima made about the game afterwards saying it isn't an action game its a strand game.
Pokemon Direct on Sword & Shield
DYNAMAX, what a cool ass looking game. I love the open world, I love the seeming fous on arena battles, thats the kinda stuff I want to see in Pokemon as someone who isn't massively attached to the franchise. I think it looks like enough of a change that a lot of fans will be really interested in trying it out.
Stadia Connect
Honestly the promise of Stadia continues to be intriguing but the (maybe) death of physical media still upset me as someone who loves to buy and own physical media. I think the pricing and how it will all work is still confusing even though they have announced it all.
EA Play
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order
So they showed off an uncut 15 minute gameplay session from the game, and initial thoughts are that it looks really really cool. Combat looks like God Of War, thats the closest I can get to describing it, they kept saying the footage was being played by a 'skilled player' it's a game that hasn't come out yet so I don't know how skilled he is supposed to be, but he was getting hit a lot, and to me that either shows that the game is really hard, the combat is possibly messy or he is purposely trying to show being hit, not sure? Also I found it a little worrying with the way the combat looks, it looked (again) a bit messy, there was only a few cool abilities shown, and it makes me wonder if the game will have a combo list like God of War and a ability tree like God Of War that you can unlock more moves for your lightsaber and the force. This demo made it look like a linear level structure, maybe a little too linear? Not sure maybe I'm just being very cautious about the whole thing? Overall it looks really great. Excited to see more at Microsoft.
Apex Legends
I haven't played much Apex since it came out, not that I didn't like the game, I really loved the game, I think I lost my passion for playing because I wasn't building to anything I really wanted a lot like a skin, like I would do in Overwatch a couple years ago. Well that has changed with what they showed here today, they said 'I think we've upped our skin game' and I agree with that, just with the short few illustrations it looks really cool. Also the new Wraith skin (who is my main) that is out now looks really rad. The big reveal for this was the Season 2 character Watson, which I love everything about, a really different styled character, art direction wise and game play wise, she seems like she might be too over powered but we wont know until we get our hands on her. She has a back story which is the first time this game feels like it's building more of a heavy lore around it, which is what I really wanted out of the game. I always liked the designs of all the characters but Watson looks like they have a made an effort to go out in a different direction. I'm really excited about her and the way the game is going, feels like they understand what made the game less than perfect and aiming to fix that. Overall Season 2 looks very exciting especially with the tease at the end of seemingly a giant dragon!? Very interested and I will definitely playing over the weekend to get that sweet double XP.
E3 2018: Sony Press Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 16th June 2018
Sony had a weird conference and I still don't know how I feel about it, I guess I'm dissapointed, I'm not quite sure.
The Plus
+ The Last Of Us II
Probably the best demo of the whole conference this year, The Last Of Us II showed us a meaty amount of gameplay looking at how different and dynamic the AI and combat is within the game. In the demo it showed a lot more stealthy combat than I was expecting and I was very surprised. The biggest downside for me was no release date in sight, and as it feels like we are moving ever closer to another generation of consoles, it feels like we might see this at the launch of the PS5.
+ Ghost Of Tsushima
I don't remember this game, but apparently it has been known before, obviously my finger hasn't been on the trigger enough with some things. Regardless this game looks difficult in the rewarding sense, combat almost looks like it is a mash up between For Honour combat and something out of Assassin's Creed 2. Not entirely sure without and even deeper dive but it does look interesting.
+ Resident Evil 2 Remaster
I'm not a Resident Evil player, I haven't really touched Resident Evil at all. But I've got to say the graphical overhaul on this game alone is impressive. I'm sure this is a big deal for Resident Evil fans but the trailer for me made a lasting impact.
+ Kingdom Hearts III
MORE KINGDOM HEARTS. Man this game has shown up everywhere this week. This time we got to see some cool clips from the Pirates of the Caribbean world. Very excited about the different worlds in this game.
+ Spider-Man
This game is coming out soon, so it felt weird that it got such a huge slot, but at the same time the game hasn't had any huge gameplay reveals, so this was really nice to see. It looks like a Batman Arkham game still, with maybe some slight differences, and I'm perfect ok with that. The hook here is Spider-Man, the characters and the swinging. The gameplay around all of that just needs to be dynamic and polished and they will have a very good Spider-Man game at the very least.
The Minus
- Death Stranding
Personally, I felt this reveal gave us no indication what kind of game this is. I think this is purely just down to the fact that it is probably a very early build, and regardless I'm sure it will still be great this is just a minor bump in the road. I just wish I knew what I would be doing, you don't even need to give me story context, just tell me if I'm shooting, if I'm exploring, if I'm doing anything really. Right now it is just a lot of walking.
SO yeah, considering how strong last year was for Sony, and God Of War coming out earlier this year, I felt like it was time for some more surprises, not necessarily in games but in release dates, at the very least years of release. At the end of the day at least the Last Of Us II demo was there.
E3 2018: Ubisoft Press Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 15th June 2018
A solid showing by Ubisoft, although no surprises, I'm still excited about their line-up
The Plus
+ Beyond Good & Evil 2
Sure it wasn't much, and the implementation of Joseph Gordon Levitt and his company maybe arose more questions than answers, but regardless it was a great decision to follow up on the big surprise from last year immediately and having a consistent dialogue. I see this as a next gen game, but I'm still glad they are carrying on with it.
+ Trials Rising
I have never really followed the Trials games, but I did play the originals on XBLA back in the day. Since then it seems the games have gotten more and more goofy and less about the difficult aspect of the initial releases. Here they chose to make it very clear they would be taking the best from both worlds. With the addition of Switch I think this could be a resurgance to the series.
+ Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure DLC
I finished Mario + Rabbids at the beginning of this year, or should I say, suffered through. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, but the post game really became a painful slog through. So it is weird for me to say that I actually liked the look of the DLC, the exclusion of DK was very obvious when I initially went through the game, so seeing him in this DLC is enough of a hook of wanting to at the very least give it a go. The best hook of that came from the characters and all their differing abilities.
+ Skull & Bones
A year from the announcement, Skull & Bones looks much better, although conceptually it looked like a fun game, this year the gameplay really puts into perspective what we can start looking forward to. I'm interested in if the game plays a bit like a management sim with your crew, or if it will play mainly as a pirate ship shooting game. Only time will tell.
+ Star Fox in Starlink: Battle For Atlas
Not really a game I was really keeping an eye on, but the new addition of Star Fox and the crew to the Switch version of the game suddenly reinvests me into this game and what it could be. This also confirms the close relationship between Ubi and Nintendo, makes me wonder if this is a precursor to a possible Starfox completely made by this Ubi developer.
+ Assassin's Creed Odyssey
It's pretty mind boggling to me that I was drawn to this game as much as I was. Especially after last years look at Origins didn't bring me in, even after the many 'you gotta play this' from friends. Odyssey gave me some sort of weird Assassin's Creed factor that I haven't seen since Brotherhood, along with that add the combat system from Origins and the Bioware-esque dialogue system within the game and suddenly this is a new Assassin's Creed I'm really interested in playing.
Sure it wasn't much, and the implementation of Joseph Gordon Levitt and his company maybe arose more questions than answers, but regardless it was a great decision to follow up on the big surprise from last year immediately and having a consistent dialogue. I see this as a next gen game, but I'm still glad they are carrying on with it.
+ Trials Rising
I have never really followed the Trials games, but I did play the originals on XBLA back in the day. Since then it seems the games have gotten more and more goofy and less about the difficult aspect of the initial releases. Here they chose to make it very clear they would be taking the best from both worlds. With the addition of Switch I think this could be a resurgance to the series.
+ Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure DLC
I finished Mario + Rabbids at the beginning of this year, or should I say, suffered through. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, but the post game really became a painful slog through. So it is weird for me to say that I actually liked the look of the DLC, the exclusion of DK was very obvious when I initially went through the game, so seeing him in this DLC is enough of a hook of wanting to at the very least give it a go. The best hook of that came from the characters and all their differing abilities.
+ Skull & Bones
A year from the announcement, Skull & Bones looks much better, although conceptually it looked like a fun game, this year the gameplay really puts into perspective what we can start looking forward to. I'm interested in if the game plays a bit like a management sim with your crew, or if it will play mainly as a pirate ship shooting game. Only time will tell.
+ Star Fox in Starlink: Battle For Atlas
Not really a game I was really keeping an eye on, but the new addition of Star Fox and the crew to the Switch version of the game suddenly reinvests me into this game and what it could be. This also confirms the close relationship between Ubi and Nintendo, makes me wonder if this is a precursor to a possible Starfox completely made by this Ubi developer.
+ Assassin's Creed Odyssey
It's pretty mind boggling to me that I was drawn to this game as much as I was. Especially after last years look at Origins didn't bring me in, even after the many 'you gotta play this' from friends. Odyssey gave me some sort of weird Assassin's Creed factor that I haven't seen since Brotherhood, along with that add the combat system from Origins and the Bioware-esque dialogue system within the game and suddenly this is a new Assassin's Creed I'm really interested in playing.
The Minus
- Just Dance 2019
It's slowly becoming less and less a minus, but still has to sit here, I don't really care and no matter how goofy it is, it is still something I have to sit through with dead eyes.
- The Division 2
I have been thinking about wanting to try The Division for a while, the concept seems like a really cool idea, but now seeing Fallout 76, and this trailer and gameplay, I've realised taht this game isn't really for me.
Really solid showing from Ubisoft this year, although the big surprise of Odyssey got leaked before hand and apart from that the publisher didn't show much new stuff.
- Just Dance 2019
It's slowly becoming less and less a minus, but still has to sit here, I don't really care and no matter how goofy it is, it is still something I have to sit through with dead eyes.
- The Division 2
I have been thinking about wanting to try The Division for a while, the concept seems like a really cool idea, but now seeing Fallout 76, and this trailer and gameplay, I've realised taht this game isn't really for me.
Really solid showing from Ubisoft this year, although the big surprise of Odyssey got leaked before hand and apart from that the publisher didn't show much new stuff.
E3 2018: Square Enix Press Conference
- Some Thoughts
First Published 12th June 2018
Well. I don't think Square needed a 'press conference'. If anything they should have just released these trailers on their Twitter account. With their big games of the very short 30 mins being games we have already seen it almost felt like this whole video was not worth it. The biggest disappointment for me was not seeing anything from this rumoured Avengers game, The World Ends With You Switch port and the Final Fantasy VII remake.
I did however did enjoy some things, seeing some more Kingdom Hearts was cool, although most of it was similar, Tomb Raider gameplay looked really stealthy and fun, right up my alley. More confirmation that Life Is Strange 2 is not Captain Spirit is very exciting, it just means Captain Spirit is a fun extra we get out of Life Is Strange. Octopath Traveller was nice to see, I'm still excited about this game, I hope we hear more about it at Nintendo's direct.
But apart from that, that was it for Square Enix and that's kinda lack luster. Personally I'd say they shouldn't have had a conference.
I did however did enjoy some things, seeing some more Kingdom Hearts was cool, although most of it was similar, Tomb Raider gameplay looked really stealthy and fun, right up my alley. More confirmation that Life Is Strange 2 is not Captain Spirit is very exciting, it just means Captain Spirit is a fun extra we get out of Life Is Strange. Octopath Traveller was nice to see, I'm still excited about this game, I hope we hear more about it at Nintendo's direct.
But apart from that, that was it for Square Enix and that's kinda lack luster. Personally I'd say they shouldn't have had a conference.
E3 2018: Bethesda Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 12th June 2018
Bethesda has completely confirmed my suspicions and is definitely the best and at the very least my favourite publisher on the planet today.
The Plus
+ Rage 2
My only knowledge of Rage before Rage 2 was: 'that £1 game in CEX'. Despite the leak by Canadian Walmart Bethesda manage to make this game look exciting and brought out some new info. I think it's a super interesting game and I can't wait to try it out.
+ Doom Eternal
I know it isn't much but confirmation of a Doom sequel and a promise of a debut in the next couple of months is good enough for me.
+ Prey DLC
All this DLC and updates look super cool. Mooncrash especially looks more fun that the actual game to me.
+ Wolfenstein Youngblood
80s Nazi apocalypse? HELL YES. It looks like a cross between Blade Runner and Blood Dragon. I'm in and I can't wait.
+ Fallout 76
This game could be one of these games that defines a console generation. Online Fallout is a big deal as it is, the fact there is some base building elements is cool too. My only worry is that maybe the game is hollow? doesn't seem to be any indication of quests, or interactions with NPCs at all?
+ Fallout Shelter for Switch
I was way more excited for this than I should've been. I love the idea of free mobile games on the switch I think it just works. Pokemon Quest is a lot of fun and although I didn't really get into Fallout Shelter on the mobile I definitely will on the Switch.
+ Starfield & Elder Scrolls VI
Although it seems like they tacked these two games on at the end the confirmation that Starfield is a thing and that they will make an Elder Scrolls VI is satisfying to hear. I can't wait for Starfield, all I think of is Mass Effect but it's a Bethesda Game Studios game, and it makes me very very happy.
The Minus
- Elder Scrolls Legends, Elder Scrolls Online & Quake Champions
Haven't played these but this part of the conference feels obligatory at this point. Feels like all of these games have been talked about or mentioned in one capacity or another for the full 4 years Bethesda have been doing their press conferences.
- Elder Scrolls: Blades
Super weird looking game, and not in a good way. I guess I would have to see it in person but I personally can't imagine this playing well or even wanting to play this game on a phone. Maybe that's just me?
Overall I think Bethesda might be my tied favourite of E3 so far, with Microsoft. Really great conference I'm excited about Fallout 76 this year and all the future games coming from the publisher.
E3 2018: Microsoft Press Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 11th June 2018
Microsoft's best press conference in a long long time. But buckle up, this might be a long one. Anything not mentioned here means I have nothing to say on it or I'm just luke warm.
The Plus
+ Ori and The Will of The Wisps
I have no connection to this franchise at all but this game look stunning and exciting to play, the game looks a lot like the previous two Rayman games, Origins and Legends. I really enjoyed those games so I don't mind playing another one.
+ Sekiro
From Software, Dark Souls-esque games are just really cool concepts. I've only played Bloodbourne, and then it was only because it was free recently with PS Plus, but I immediately understood when I started playing that game. The combat feels amazing and for someone like me who really enjoys timing based combat instead combos, I really enjoyed it. This game looks just as cool, the setting is a nice change of pace to Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodbourne.
+ Fallout 76
This was a trailer that showed us more of Fallout 76 but nothing huge just yet, I'm sure we're going to see stuff later on at Bethesda's conference but for now, it looks good.
+ The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
I'm a huge fan of Life Is Strange and I loved Before The Storm, so this is right up my alley. It's great because they've gone for a whole new take and tone here and it looks heart melting. Also it's free, which is crazy!
+ Crackdown 3
Terry Crews could sell me anything. As a fan of Brooklyn Nine Nine I just have a huge soft spot for the actor. This game makes me hugely jealous that I'm not an Xbox One owner, something that the PS3 never made me feel last generation.
+ Metro Exodus
I haven't played any Metro, something I still need to try out, but this looks really cool and more footage compared to last year has got me excited.
+ Kingdom Hearts 3
Frozen, Monsters Inc, Tangled. I mean come on. This shit is great, I get it, it isn't everyones cup of tea but I really enjoy Kingdom Hearts wacky cheesy story.
+ Forza Horizon 4
This is the first time I've been jealous of a car game. Forza Horizon 4 looks beautiful, captivating and enjoyable in every sense. Seasons although not initially a selling point become more desirable when they showcased the driving over a frozen lake. But the always online racing is the real selling point for me. Then again, I just bought Burnout Paradise remaster for the PS4, so maybe I'll just go play that.
+ Microsoft aquisitions
I think Sony have had some of the best first party studios and video games of the past couple of years but these studio acquisitions is looking good for Microsoft's future in first party.
+ We Happy Few
I honestly thought this game had already came out because of being a Playstation player and it being a Xbox exclusive. But apparently it hasn't. I really love this concept, I really love this art style, and overall I really enjoy the look of the game. If I get a chance to play it I will.
+ Sable
+ Harold Halibut
+ Shadow of the Tomb Raider
I haven't played the other two Tomb Raider games yet, but I think this new reboot looks good all round so I'm happy that they are continuing on with it.
+ Session
I thought this was Skate 4 for 90% of this trailer and then I remembered as soon as the name came up that Session was a thing. I'm excited to get my hand on this even though lack of any sort of date kinda means this was an empty trailer that maybe was trying to play on the expectation that EA announced Skate 4.
+ Devil May Cry 5
I haven't really touched DMC, I played the first level or so of the first one and that is about it. But this looks fun and cool even though my experience with the switch version of Bayonetta this year has convinced me more that combo orientated combat in games really isn't my thing.
+ Tunic
I vaguely remember this from somewhere else, but regardless the game look stunning, cute and a lot like Zelda. ticks all round.
+ Dying Light 2
I haven't really seen much of Dying Light but this sequel is looking very very special and awesome. I love what they showed and talked about here with the mechanics and dialogue choices and the effects it has. Really cool.
+ Gears Tactics
This looks like Xcom. I like Xcom. If they bring something new and different to the genre I'm in. If not. Then I'll stick to Xcom.
+ Cyberpunk 2077
AW YEAH, this is the game I have wanted my entire life. Blade Runner, The Fifth Element, all those cyberpunk visual styles and concepts in an actual game I could sink my teeth into. an RPG of all things too. I'm very very excited about some more info on this game soon.
The Minus
- Halo Infinite
Not really a Halo fan so it makes it easier for me to put this here. No info on this at all and a nothing trailer. Kinda feels like it would've been better being left off. This game will be a talking point over some smaller games that actually look good and come out soon and that's a shame.
- Game Pass
Just to reiterate on what I said about streaming services in the EA blog. Streaming games to any device is not the way I want to go. I want to OWN my games, especially when you sink so much time into a game.
- Black Desert
Just looked super bland to me and didn't feel like it needed a press conference spot. Definitely there to fill in the '50 games' promise.
- Gears Pop
I love Pop Vinyls and everything but NONONONONONONONONONONONONONO I don't need Pop Vinyl games.
50 games, huge exclusives, huge reveals, gotta be up there for me as one of the best conference in a long time. It makes you wonder if all thses games went to Microsoft because Sony are only going to show the 4 or 5 games they said they will be taking a look at.
E3 2018: EA Play Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 11th June 2018
Guess who's back? Back again? Oli's back, and I'm going to slaughter EA now.
The Plus
+ Anthem
Got a big deep look into Anthem at EA, the game looks cool, although I think I have my criticisms my main take away from all of it was: 'This looks like Destiny but made for me'. Destiny isn't really my thing because it's mainly just a multiplayer game, and although Anthem is kinda in the same bag, the addition of having story areas where you basically play a single player Bioware game is pretty crazy. February feels like such a long time away though, for something that you take such a deep dive into I thought I'd be seeing it sooner.
+ Battlefield V
I haven't picked up a military FPS in a long time, and back when I did it was always COD. So recently I've been looking over at the competitor, Battlefield, to see if this is where I'm gonna jump in. Truth is, I'm not sure, but I think the game looks graphically amazing and the story mode seems intriguing. That's the one thing Battlefield has over COD this year and it's definitely a plus to me.
+ Star Wars Battlefront II
Man oh man, a lot happened in between last E3 and this E3 for Battlefront II. And it probably doesn't surprise you that I didn't pick up the game when it came out. The nasty micro-transactions and levelling system killed any enthusiasm the game gave me. Now although at the press conference this year they weren't pulling out all the stops, they were taking a step in the right direction. It gives me confidence that if I wanted to pick up this game in the future at a very low price (I mean low) I'll have a fun time and not have to worry about the horrible stuff that used to be in the game.
+ Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
Respawn are one of the only EA devs that I have hope for. Titanfall 2 was much better than it should've been and I want to see that team create something great with Star Wars. This game by description alone sounds cool. Obviously they only talked about it so take with a grain of salt.
+ Unravel two
It's nice to have at least one of these 'PLAY NOW' games at a conference, and EA just released a full blown sequel to Unravel. This time a full co-op game, I'm glad EA seem to support co-op games, A Way Out was a lot of fun and Unravel two could be as well. I wasn't fully convinced so I won't be playing it right away, but when I start seeing some positive reviews maybe me and my girlfriend can give it a go.
+ Sea Of Solitude
This games art style is right up my alley, and although there wasn't a huge amount shown about what the game play of this game was, the concept was enough of an interest for me.
The Minus
- Command & Conquer Rivals
Can't say I know a lot about Command & Conquer, but a lot of time was taken by this mobile game, it was very dull. Legitimately felt like a time filler and although I know this is an IP that is beloved by some people, from what I can gather is that some people hate this is a mobile game and others don't? I don't know but I wasn't interested.
- EA Origin Access Premiere
Streaming gaming services still feels like years and years away from actually feeling good to play. PS Now doesn't feel good so I don't believe any other company could improve on that for a while. Also streaming games isn't a future I want to be going towards. Movies and TV is a different story for streaming as they are very short in comparisons and you don't wanna own a DVD for every movie you like or would like to watch. Video games are huge time sinkers. I like the idea you can jump from game to game to see what you would enjoy, but that could just be a demo service for new releases. I want to actually own the games I enjoy.
- Sports!!!
Same as every year, a lot of sports. It's fine, it felt like they cut it down huge this year.
The fact that they mentioned this several times for different games is really bad. They also expected cheers and celebration. They shouldn't have done these shitty practises in the first place and they shouldn't be commended for not doing it.
- No Skate 4... again.
Maybe this is the new Beyond Good and Evil 2 or The Last Guardian, but with more and more rumours coming out each year signalling a new Skate game, it is so disappointing to never get a word on the franchise.
Overall this conference set my expectations super low, and I felt thoroughly dejected for the first time for an E3. Really unfortunate.
E3 2017: Nintendo Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 13th June 2017
Going into this conference I had my expectations low, I didn't expect any announcements considering they had a recent solo conference announcing Pokken to Switch and Ultra Sun and Moon to 3DS consoles. But I have got to say, they have truly made me get a new console this generation which I didn't expect at all.
The Plus
+ Kirby
There is a new Kirby game coming out for Switch and I cannot be more excited. Kirby games are always a constantly great avenue to go for your great platformer fix and a new one for Switch is the right way to go, I can't wait.
+ Pokemon Switch
WE HAVE FINALLY GOT VERBAL CONFIRMATION OF A POKEMON SWITCH GAME!! This has been what everyone has been waiting for since the Switch got released and even though it was just a verbal confirmation it is enough for everyone to stay excited and to know that Nintendo are being up front with everyone.
+ Metroid Prime 4
Similarly to Pokemon Switch this is just a confirmation of the game being in development, but to be honest that is enough.
+ Yoshi
Again, similarily to Kirby, Yoshi games recently have been a very good source to get your platforming fix and this recent game looks to be working with a two side mechanic.
+ Breath Of The Wild DLC
It seems like some cool additions added to Zelda and anyone who is a fan of the game will enjoy this stuff added to their game.
+ Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
YES it still looks good, yes it still sounds good, yes they showed gameplay afterwards and it makes me wanna play the game more. This is a complete blind side of a game that is now very high on my list. AND ITS OUT IN OCTOBER!!
+ Rocket League
Not only have we got one of the most fun casual pick up and play games of recent memory coming to a console it feels like it was made for, but it also announced how online on the Switch would also be cross-platform with online on other consoles, which means the sad part of some Nintendo games that have no online players won't have that issue here.
+ Super Mario Odyssey
I don't think I can accurately explain in writing how impressed, hyped, and just out right blown away I am with the trailer and game play demo that they showed us of this game. I think this may be a very strong contender for being Game Of The Year against Zelda and other Triple A titles that have come out this year. The mechanics are phenomenal and the fact that Nintendo a couple years ago felt out dated and in a slump we have absolutely flipped this year and this game is the epitome of that.
+ Metroid: Samus Returns
A remake of the second Metroid game is beautiful stylised graphics and looking like some solid game play. The best part is the fact that this is being made for 3DS which is more confirmation that this Nintendo are definitely not finished with 3DS consoles. Personally, even with the portability of the Switch I wouldn't want to be playing it out in the open because of how expensive it is and how large it is. The Switch is much more of a 'take while travelling' 'play while watching tv' 'take round friends house' than a 'play on the train, bus or outside' maybe that's just me, that's why support to the 3DS is still so important to me.
There was not one minus to me at this conference, granted it was short but it was sweet and we had quite a few surprises when we didn't think there would be any, there was more of a focus on full exposure with fans on games that they are anticipating as well as full frontal game play, nothing staged and all natural. I think the Switch is gonna be something we'll be talking about for years to come so everyone pick one up.
E3 2017: Sony Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 13th June 2017
It's time for the big boys, Sony has been killing it every year for at least the past three years, it's time for them to step up their game cause this year there has been a lot of good conferences.
The Plus
+ Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy
I'm glad we've got a good in-depth trailer for this, I've been excited for this ever since it was announced last year so I can't wait to pick it up and play. Hopefully because it is being made for the PS4 and the updated graphics will mean the gameplay will be better than the original. Playing the original more recently it feels heavy and very hard to play, hopefully the game will be a little faster lighter and overall more fun.
+ Hidden Agenda
A new game from the same studio that created Until Dawn we get another cinematic choice based game with phenomenal graphics. This time however we have the implementation of group phone play. I think this is the coolest avenue this studio could have gone down. Considering me and my friends have wanted to replay Until Dawn together by controlling a character each this is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm very pumped up for this game.
+ Everybody's Golf
Why do I want a very Japanese styled golf game? I DON'T KNOW BUT I DO!
+ Undertale on PS4
This is a big deal, I recently bought Undertale for my PC but now that it is coming out on PS4, I don't know if I'll ever play it on my PC.
+ Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
I'm currently playing Horizon and I'm really enjoying it, so I'm glad there some DLC coming soon so my adventure with the game won't end with the end of the game.
+ Monster Hunter World
OH MY GOD! I love Monster Hunter, I've been playing it loads on my 2DS and now I get to play a full HD version on my PS4 with my big TV, I can't wait to get my friends together and play this game.
+ Shadow Of The Colossus
URM WHAT. Ok so there is a new Shadow Of The Colossus, that's pretty crazy!
+ Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Yeah to be honest it came across very silly, but thats not a bad thing, I'm looking forward to giving this series a go because I haven't delved into it yet.
+ Skyrim VR
Urm, I guess Bethesda also had Skyrim ready for VR too? Why they didn't talk about it during their conference I don't know but still very cool that they are bringing it to VR.
+ The Inpatient
Another Until Dawn styled game from the same studio, but this one is VR, I also think it is a spin-off. So if I can get my hands on it I definitely will.
+ God Of War
+ Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy
I'm glad we've got a good in-depth trailer for this, I've been excited for this ever since it was announced last year so I can't wait to pick it up and play. Hopefully because it is being made for the PS4 and the updated graphics will mean the gameplay will be better than the original. Playing the original more recently it feels heavy and very hard to play, hopefully the game will be a little faster lighter and overall more fun.
+ Hidden Agenda
A new game from the same studio that created Until Dawn we get another cinematic choice based game with phenomenal graphics. This time however we have the implementation of group phone play. I think this is the coolest avenue this studio could have gone down. Considering me and my friends have wanted to replay Until Dawn together by controlling a character each this is definitely a step in the right direction. I'm very pumped up for this game.
+ Everybody's Golf
Why do I want a very Japanese styled golf game? I DON'T KNOW BUT I DO!
+ Undertale on PS4
This is a big deal, I recently bought Undertale for my PC but now that it is coming out on PS4, I don't know if I'll ever play it on my PC.
+ Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
I'm currently playing Horizon and I'm really enjoying it, so I'm glad there some DLC coming soon so my adventure with the game won't end with the end of the game.
+ Monster Hunter World
OH MY GOD! I love Monster Hunter, I've been playing it loads on my 2DS and now I get to play a full HD version on my PS4 with my big TV, I can't wait to get my friends together and play this game.
+ Shadow Of The Colossus
URM WHAT. Ok so there is a new Shadow Of The Colossus, that's pretty crazy!
+ Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
Yeah to be honest it came across very silly, but thats not a bad thing, I'm looking forward to giving this series a go because I haven't delved into it yet.
+ Skyrim VR
Urm, I guess Bethesda also had Skyrim ready for VR too? Why they didn't talk about it during their conference I don't know but still very cool that they are bringing it to VR.
+ The Inpatient
Another Until Dawn styled game from the same studio, but this one is VR, I also think it is a spin-off. So if I can get my hands on it I definitely will.
+ God Of War
It is still looking good and it still looks like something I want to play.
+ Detroit: Becoming Human
We had a longer and more in-depth look at this game this year and I'm even more convinced on having it, the amount of options it wants to brag is incredible and it looks like you may be able to play as three different characters.
+ Spider-Man
WOW! This extended game play trailer looked absolutely incredible. We saw combat, we saw ability usage and we saw the web slinging around the city. It reminded me a lot of the Arkham series, it had the same elements that they had but because it is a different hero and a different world the game feel fresh and new.
The Minus
- Gran Turismo Sport
I like Gran Turismo but every conference has had a driving game thus far and it's just getting stale to me at this point.
- Days Gone
Personally, this game looks unappealing to me, I'm done with the zombie genre, with the exception of incredible sequels, like State Of Decay and The Last Of Us, creating new IPs in this genre seems like a waste of time, not only that but this game looks dull.
- Call Of Duty WWII
Isn't that just World At War? Urm, I would be more ok with just a HD remaster of that game than a new WWII game but I never buy these anymore so whatever.
So that is all my thoughts on this conference and I think it is probably the best thus far, Ubisoft was very good but now Sony has topped them and I think they've topped Microsoft too but not by much. We've only got one last conference and that's Nintendo!
+ Detroit: Becoming Human
We had a longer and more in-depth look at this game this year and I'm even more convinced on having it, the amount of options it wants to brag is incredible and it looks like you may be able to play as three different characters.
+ Spider-Man
WOW! This extended game play trailer looked absolutely incredible. We saw combat, we saw ability usage and we saw the web slinging around the city. It reminded me a lot of the Arkham series, it had the same elements that they had but because it is a different hero and a different world the game feel fresh and new.
The Minus
- Gran Turismo Sport
I like Gran Turismo but every conference has had a driving game thus far and it's just getting stale to me at this point.
- Days Gone
Personally, this game looks unappealing to me, I'm done with the zombie genre, with the exception of incredible sequels, like State Of Decay and The Last Of Us, creating new IPs in this genre seems like a waste of time, not only that but this game looks dull.
- Call Of Duty WWII
Isn't that just World At War? Urm, I would be more ok with just a HD remaster of that game than a new WWII game but I never buy these anymore so whatever.
So that is all my thoughts on this conference and I think it is probably the best thus far, Ubisoft was very good but now Sony has topped them and I think they've topped Microsoft too but not by much. We've only got one last conference and that's Nintendo!
E3 2017: Ubisoft Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 13th June 2017
Ubisoft gave a surprising conference that came out with some games I never knew I wanted and some games we've all been wanting for a while. They have definitely caught my attention.
The Plus
+ Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
The pure premise of this game bogged me down and all the leaks didn't get me hyped, Rabbids were the Minions of the gaming world, I never hated Rabbids but they aren't exactly the bet measure of anything outstanding, but as soon as the trailer hit I was in. Not only does the game exude buckets of character and charisma but it is also a strategy game, think XCOM except it's Mario and Rabbids and it looks delightful and fun. I honestly can't wait to play this and it is definitely a system seller for the Switch in my eyes.
+ South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Yes, this was shown last year and the trailer didn't really show us anything new but I was disappointed in the continuous pushing back of the release date but the game still looks funny and fun to play, I hope they stick to this release date this time.
+ Transference
As I thought Fallout 4 in VR might be the pinnacle for VR this year we get to see this extremely intriguing and possible ground breaking game that breaks the fourth wall of playing a game in VR, with the inclusion of Elijah Wood I'm very excited to see where this project goes.
+ Skull & Bones
It's nice to see that the rumblings of the possible pirate game based on the Assassins Creed Black Flag mechanics has finally happened, where Assassins Creed has burnt me out Skull & Bones comes from its ashes and has me intrigued, it'll be fun to see what the reception is to this and if it'll be worth the money.
+ South Park: Phone Destroyer
A free(ish) South Park Stick Of Truth/Fractured But Whole mobile game? Doesn't sound bad at all. No wonder Fractured But Whole has been delayed so much!
+ Beyond Good & Evil 2
The Minus
- Assassin's Creed Origins
Yep, still the same, the second conference we've seen this at and it still has failed to impress me in anyway, that's not a good record.
- The Crew 2
Another driving game, granted it is the most interesting looking one thus far but another one nonetheless.
- Steep: Road to the Olympics
I forgot Steep was a thing, I didn't even know it came out so with that sort of reception you would think Ubi would know that it wouldn't be worth showing on the main conference.
- Just Dance 2018
ERRGHH Every year they show us a new Just Dance game, if I am criticising driving games for the fact that most gamers aren't driving fans then I most definitely going to say to Ubisoft READ THE ROOM people who go to these conventions do not want to watch a dance number on stage, if they want to show the game show it after or before the main conference, not during.
Overall Ubisoft really shocked me with their conference and unexpectedly excited for the games they will be bringing out very soon.
E3 2017: Bethesda Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 12th June 2017
Personally the main question on my mind going into the Bethesda press conference was if they even deserved one this year, sure there were rumours about The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein, but was it really worth it? Well I think it was lack luster but not as bad as EA.
The Plus
+ Fallout 4 VR
Someone had to make the leap into making a fully fledged open world game in VR and it just so happened that Bethesda had the perfect game ready for it. The reason this is a plus is purely because of the risk, if this flops then other companies will take notice and be hesitant to create anything more than a stand and shoot game for VR headsets, but on the flip side if Bethesda nail Fallout 4 VR then we could start to see the blossom of some truly great games in Virtual Reality.
+ Creation Club
This is a hesitant plus, the idea that this is more organised and looks better for console gamers and can start to give indie devs a chance to play with big triple A games then that is super cool. But I did see some sort of 'credits' currency, if this means these mods/items are a way to slip micro-transactions into 2 of the best open world games today then people will not be happy, myself included.
+ Skyrim on Nintendo Switch
Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch is probably one of the best selling points for the Switch in my opinion and although this didn't really show anything too amazing we did see the Link amiibo being used to give the in-game character a Breath Of The Wild Link outfit and Master Sword and Shield, so that alone is pretty sweet.
+ Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider
I am a big fan of Dishonored and recently just completed Dishonored 2, so I'm glad to see some DLC being able to play as Rosario Dawson's character Billie. By the looks of it it looks like a prequel. I don't want to spoil why I think that but people who've finished the game know why also. I can't wait to see what abilities she has and what the story is like.
+ Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
I haven't got a chance to play either Wolfenstein's (The New Order and The Old Blood) but this game still looks great, full of story and interesting level design. I love alternate timelines!
The Minus
- Doom VFR
I don't know, I love 2016's Doom, probably the best single player shooter for a long time, but the fact that they made this game into a teleporting VR shooter, turns me off to the idea completely. Maybe I'm just a bit pessimistic but I feel like playing Doom the way it was shown in the trailer doesn't make me want to play the game at all.
- The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Heroes Of Skyrim
Just looks like a new Hearthstone rip-off. Sorry.
Again anything I didn't mention here I probably don't have a firm opinion on, I never played The Evil Within nor do I intend to so the Evil Within 2 announcement didn't do anything to me but I know for some it was really cool. Anyway I'll see you in the next post when we'll be looking at the next big conference of the week, Sony!
E3 2017: Microsoft Conference
- The Plus and The Minus
First Published 12th June 2017
My goodness! Microsoft has set a high standard for the rest of the week as they unveil their competitor to the PlayStation 4 Pro, and a never ending trailer reel of new games to loose ourselves in, along with surprising announcements and so much more.
The Plus
+ Metro Exodus
I haven't played any of the Metro games and I have one ready for me to complete but I was still hype for this game. Surely the trailer they played here would convince any player who hasn't hopped on to the series to get on it with this new game. I could see if someone would say it looks too much like a Fallout game but I still wanna experience this game.
+ Player Uknown's Battlegrounds for Xbox
I'm not an Xbox owner, I'm on the PS4 side, but I do think this is a great game and a really cool thing to put on console, Especially with the pairing of Player Uknown himself. A+ stuff.
+ State Of Decay 2
It's been a couple of years since the first game came out on the Xbox 360 Arcade and blew everyone away out of nowhere. Now we're here and seeing a really cool in-depth cinematic gameplay trailer and it looks like the game has built on the previous hugely, I can't wait to get my mittens on this game.
+ The Last Night
A game I didn't know of and now, purely by visual appearance, is now very high on my E3 list of games to play. I'm very excited for the depth of field mixed with airy coloured fog effects and the retro pixel graphics, it looks like and adventure side-scroller which isn't something that has been in the main stream for a while.
+ Sea Of Thieves
We were given a very long gameplay trailer which showed this pirate game, the mixture between the graphic style, the pirate aspect, all the things it looks like you can do and the fact that you and your friends can be a team together and meet other players as well, makes this game one to watch and want to pick up when it is released. It looks like it's filled with character.
+ Cuphead
EYYY CUPHEAD! Finally Cuphead has a release date, this game is beautiful early disney animation styled side scrolling shoot 'em up that has been on my watchlist for a hot second, and I'm so happy there is finally a release date.
+ Crackdown 3
I haven't played any Crackdown games, but Terry Crews can sell me on anything. The game looks like a lot of fun and I'll keep my eye on this to see if it's worth my money.
+ Life Is Strange: Before The Storm
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! I'm a huge fan of Life Is Strange, and when there was announcement on a new LIS game I was praying they would show some of it at E3, well my dream has come true and it looks like it is a 3 Episode prequel to the original game, I think this spin-off is supposed to tide us over until they have a full blown sequel. I AM OK WITH THIS! We finally get to meet the elusive Rachel Amber and what happened leading to her disappearance, we play as pre-blue hair Chloe. My friend told me that if this game ends with Chloe dying her hair blue and walking into the girls bathroom like the start of the original game he may cry, and to be honest I'm right there with him.
+ Middle-earth: Shadow Of War
Wow, so last game they had a really fun enemy system, this time around they had a new army system, taking orc enemies and turning them into your allies. The gameplay demo that they showed here literally sold me on this game.
+ Original Xbox Backwards Compatibility
GOD DAMMIT, I want a damn Xbox One now, that is the coolest thing, I have original Xbox games that I wanna play and I can't because my 360 only does some of them and usually really laggy, as long as they can get these games to run really smoothly then I am all for this.
+ Anthem
We saw a small tease at EA's conference, but here we got to see the big reveal and I'm looking forward to Anthem. Regardless of fake headset chatter that can always cringe me out, this game looks stellar.
The Minus
- Xbox One X
Maybe I should clarify here, I don't hate this console but the reason why it is in the minus section is because I still don't see why I would want to buy one, I like updated graphics but I don't feel like it is necessary, maybe I have an old mentality of wanting to buy a console and have it for the whole console cycle, I still have my original PS2, and I still have my original white 360 and my PS4, I don't want to keep updating. Also the $499 price tag seems like way too much to me.
- Forza Motorsport 7
I don't mind racing games, I actually enjoy a couple but opening up with Forza was kinda boring to be honest, the game was gorgeous but I don't really care enough, sorry fans.
- Assassin's Creed Origins
I was hoping that this Creed soft reboot was gonna pull me back into the series, the first 4 games are some of my favourites especially AC2 and Brotherhood, sadly ever since then minus Black Flag each game has felt like the same game with not much new and innovative in each installation. Origins is no different here. Yes, the Egypt environment looks cool and I'm sure the story is interesting but there was nothing their that convinced me to get back into the series.
Now I know I haven't talked about everything here but stuff I haven't talked about here means I haven't got a definitive opinion or I'm indifferent too, I think this was a very good conference and Sony are gonna have to pull out all the stops to out do that. (they have to show me Bully 2 to beat Life Is Strange), I'll be posting my Bethesda conference post soon! See you in a bit.
E3 2017: EA Play Conference
-The Plus and The Minus
First Published 11th June 2017
Welcome to the new series of posts that I'm calling 'The Pus and The Minus' where I take whatever subject I'm talking about and take it down into the bit I think were a plus and the parts I think were a minus. The first addition is part of the E3 2017 season and it's EA Play! What a way to kick off E3... Maybe not.
The Minus
I'm not a big sports guy, and sure I should really be used to the idea that they will always show sports games cause that's their biggest games. But NBA, NFL, Fifa I don't care and taking up the mst of your show with it just alienates the actually audience who are here and tuning in for E3.
- YouTubers and Streamers! LMAO!! xD xD
As some one who watches YouTube everyday, seeing famous YouTubers and streamers as a big part of a conference is EXTREMELY cringy. The most obvious part of this during the conference was Jesse from the channel PrankVSPrank. Someone who is no longer in the trending eye of YouTube and someone who isn't really associated to games. I'd rather just be talked to by the devs not a minor YouTube celebrity who has no reason to be at the conference talking about that game
- New Bioware project
This is a minus because they announced it and showed literally NOTHING. Either show us something substantial or don't show us anything and save the surprise for the conference you will be showing it at.
- Where are all the surprises?
What happened? Rumours of Skate 4, no where to be seen, no news on the other Star Wars games that we know are being made cause you showed us last year? Not even anything from left-field ? Just a bland normal conference.
The Plus
+ A Way Out
This game looks rad, this is a new co-op only game. That's right you can only play this game co-op, whether that be couch or online. I think that will be the aspect that makes or breaks this game, I'm optimistic. It is from the creators of Brothers. Which was another game that was heavily based on two characters and their story, and this games gimmick is the co-op and the idea that it is a story heavy game. I can't wait to sit down with my buddy or girlfriend and give this game a go and to experience a story together.
+ Star Wars Battlefront II
The opinions on this seems quite split, some see it as a boring extension of the previous game while others think they definitely have listened to their audience. I honestly believe they have listened to the community, I can't wait to play the story. Also the old PS2/PC Star Wars Battlefront II is one of my favourite games of all time, and this game at least looks like they looked at that game for changes. Classes are a big deal at making the game interesting. The points system based on kills to allow you unlock those new classes/heroes just like the older games. Also it has the ship gameplay and ground gameplay combined which is something I've wanted in Battlefront ever since the PS2 game. I'm looking forward to the game, I'm still gonna let the game come out and get the reviews in first before I start to look at buying it but I'm excited nontheless.
Overall the show was cringy and kinda bad. But hopefully that means the bar has been set low for the rest of the week so we can get hyped later. I'll be posting about E3 throughout the week and a new post for each conference. I'll see you again for Microsoft and Bethesda!
The Minus
I'm not a big sports guy, and sure I should really be used to the idea that they will always show sports games cause that's their biggest games. But NBA, NFL, Fifa I don't care and taking up the mst of your show with it just alienates the actually audience who are here and tuning in for E3.
- YouTubers and Streamers! LMAO!! xD xD
As some one who watches YouTube everyday, seeing famous YouTubers and streamers as a big part of a conference is EXTREMELY cringy. The most obvious part of this during the conference was Jesse from the channel PrankVSPrank. Someone who is no longer in the trending eye of YouTube and someone who isn't really associated to games. I'd rather just be talked to by the devs not a minor YouTube celebrity who has no reason to be at the conference talking about that game
- New Bioware project
This is a minus because they announced it and showed literally NOTHING. Either show us something substantial or don't show us anything and save the surprise for the conference you will be showing it at.
- Where are all the surprises?
What happened? Rumours of Skate 4, no where to be seen, no news on the other Star Wars games that we know are being made cause you showed us last year? Not even anything from left-field ? Just a bland normal conference.
The Plus
+ A Way Out
This game looks rad, this is a new co-op only game. That's right you can only play this game co-op, whether that be couch or online. I think that will be the aspect that makes or breaks this game, I'm optimistic. It is from the creators of Brothers. Which was another game that was heavily based on two characters and their story, and this games gimmick is the co-op and the idea that it is a story heavy game. I can't wait to sit down with my buddy or girlfriend and give this game a go and to experience a story together.
+ Star Wars Battlefront II
The opinions on this seems quite split, some see it as a boring extension of the previous game while others think they definitely have listened to their audience. I honestly believe they have listened to the community, I can't wait to play the story. Also the old PS2/PC Star Wars Battlefront II is one of my favourite games of all time, and this game at least looks like they looked at that game for changes. Classes are a big deal at making the game interesting. The points system based on kills to allow you unlock those new classes/heroes just like the older games. Also it has the ship gameplay and ground gameplay combined which is something I've wanted in Battlefront ever since the PS2 game. I'm looking forward to the game, I'm still gonna let the game come out and get the reviews in first before I start to look at buying it but I'm excited nontheless.
Overall the show was cringy and kinda bad. But hopefully that means the bar has been set low for the rest of the week so we can get hyped later. I'll be posting about E3 throughout the week and a new post for each conference. I'll see you again for Microsoft and Bethesda!