2018's Best Of The Year - Films
First Published 26th February 2019
As of writing, last night was the 91st Academy Awards, DA OSCARS. I have opinions about the awards and the movies that were honoured, but I waited for this long to do my list because we don't get some of the best movies of the past year until the Oscar nominations come out here in the UK. That's how Shape Of Water missed out on it's number 2 spot last year, so now I have decided to finally confirm my TOP 15 of 2018 now in this blog. THIS LIST IS THE TRUE OSCAR MOVIES PEOPLE.

So this won the Best Picture Oscar last night, which I strongly disagree with, but I didn't want that to dampen my actual opinion on my experience with the movie. I really enjoyed the movie, I think it's heart warming and too funny for its own good. But this movie is best described as 'racism for the old privileged white people'. Viggo Mortensen, who delivers a really cartoonish performances of an Italian american, is the white man that tells Mahershala Ali's Don Shirley how to be black, the white man has to tell the black man how special he is, the black man is forever changed by the white man, bleh. But the movie above everything is a great friendship movie, Mahershala Ali is amazing, yet again, and he also won the Oscar for his performance. Overall I think this movie is a really easy watch that makes you feel stuff, I admire what it tries to do but it comes across a bit problematic for me, but that aside a really good flick.

This was my most anticipated movie of this year and it didn't reach my expectations, unfortunately, but this movie is really a great watch. Gosling plays such a great Armstrong, you can tell he is always thinking, always carrying concern and always carrying his sadness from his life events. Claire Foy is criminally underrated in this movie, she should've been nominated, she puts on such a performance. But the cinematography, the sound editing of the scenes of space exploration and the last stretch of the movie is really the highlight. I may have expected to love it more but it's still a really great flick.

This movie is seriously something special and it SUCKS that it didn't connect with me more, but I still really love that movie, it's tense, it's creepy and frankly it is insane that no award shows picked this up. Tilda Swinton should be the woman winning the award for her THREE, count em THREE, supporting roles in this movie. You know I didn't even know she did the other characters in the movie until after I walked out, I knew that the old man was someone in makeup, because I can tell with that stuff, but I thought it was just a young male actor who I assumed was perfect for the role despite the age. NO ITS FUCKIN TILDA. Amazing movie, very suspenseful and definitely worth a watch if you're into that weird horror.

I'll be upfront, I think there is a good chance this is higher than Suspiria because I watched the original Halloween for the first time on the 29th of October in the dark of night, and then me and my girlfriend went and saw this new one the night of Halloween and with the original fresh in my mind, I felt this new sequel gave me the same feeling that I got from the impeccable original that I was really head over heels for, the call backs were really well done which is where sequels can trip up for me, the plot feels like a natural extension of the original. I don't know, maybe my first time watch love for the original Halloween is pushing this higher than it should be, but I really did love the whole experience of seeing this movie.

My original viewing of Black Panther was just ok, I was really happy about all its success because of it being such a prolific black cast, but I didn't feel like it did much for me. Cut back to me watching it again last month, and MY GOD this movie is way better than I remember it, and should I really be surprised? This is the MCU. Michael B Jordan is really the highlight for me, the world design of Wakanda, the traditional African music weaved into the soundtrack, the outfit design, the technology design, the CAST, the final fight scene, Black Panther is a really great movie.

I squeezed this into 10 over the ones above just because this was the most surprising and genuine comedies I have seen in a long long time, and this gives me confidence that these movies can continue to be made, John Cena steals the movie for me and that isn't just because I love wrestling, that's because his comedic performance is excellent, though I shouldn't be surprised. There really is something to say about a tight small story that plays off human emotion to forward story, and it still be very funny. Maybe other people would roll their eyes at this, but I feel like this scratches the itch of a straight-up comedy movie in the same vain of The Hangover series. I would love a sequel to this, I'm not not sure it really is made for a sequel, but still. Go watch this movie.

This has also come out of left field for me. When I heard the movie was coming out I was excited for it, because it sounded like a really good biopic, I kinda forgot about it, it came out and I got hyped again, it was out for a couple of weeks, and I wasn't hearing anything about it, finally got a chance to go see it, and then I found out that I really really love this movie? John C Reilly sinks into the role as Oliver Hardy, Steve Coogan sinks into the role of Stan Laurel, the two have electrifying chemistry worthy of Laurel and Hardy, the writing is funny and touching. Again, I'm starting to see a theme with my list here, but this is an easy, feel-good, heart warming watch and I would gladly watch it again anytime.

It has been a while since I saw this movie, so it may be a bit risky putting this movie here, but all I remember is being really enthralled with this movie and some of the main beats. I think I'm due a rewatch already but I remember being so tense and scared during this movie, having the combination of great acting alongside REAL INTERVIEWS like a documentary with the subjects of the film gives the movie a sort of real investment that I have never had in a movie before. The way the screenplay/writing is done is incredible, the way it slowly reveals the events of the story with the interviews and the actual acted set pieces. Masterful. It fucking sucks this wasn't brought up more during the awards season. I'm gonna hope that this fits into the same category as The Killing Of A Sacred Dear last year, where it got no awards buzz but next year this director is gonna create a movie that is a front runner for Oscars that is also great!

I mean, this movie is a very special piece of cinema, there are so many other people talking about this movie on YouTube and blogs that describe why it's so amazing much more eloquently than me, so I won't say much. All I'll say is, my first viewing sucked but I could tell it was a great movie that I really liked, so I'm DYING to watch this movie again. It made me feel like a kid the same way The Incredibles made me felt when I left the cinema back in 2004, I went home and thought about all the Spider-Men, thought myself as a Spider-Man (#spidersona look it up!). Also this is loosely based off one of my favourite comic story lines of all time and yknow, that is just fucking cool.

After a second viewing of Spider-Verse these two could swap places, but similar to Halloween previously in this list, Mission Impossible: Fallout maybe ranks higher than it would usually because this movie was the eye opening action movie to the whole Mission Impossible series that me and my dad inevitable watched all of after we saw this in the cinema. I still think this might be the best one of the whole series, but I really fucking love that series now and it's all down to this, it also gave me and my dad some really great quality time. One of the best action movies I've ever seen, period.

Now I talked to my buddy who voiced some opinions with this movie that makes the movie problematic. Most notably the danger of portraying racists as just 'dumb white southern people', where racists aren't dumb, true racism in todays society is much more sinister and is cultivated around by people who are smart and manipulative about how they spread around their disgusting view points. I agree with that stance, but right here, THIS movie, is still really fucking great. Something about it really grabbed me, I love the story and the acting, the visual aesthetic, but maybe it's the 'FilmBro' in me. The guy who loves, Quentin Tarantino and Fight Club, because that is me. Regardless I really love this movie, people are divided about the ending apparently, I don't have strong opinions, I think it works for what they were trying to do, but it was on the nose.

DEPRESSED LA LA LAND. Yeah that's down my alley, it fucking hurts, it makes you wish you could change the events of the movie, but you love to see the connection these two have. Man I can't seem to articulate my love for this movie. Yknow why this movie is even better than the excellent movie it already is? Because it stars Bradley Cooper who is also making is directorial debut, it stars Lady Gaga who is making her acting debut, and they both KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK. The music is sublime. When I hear that 'Tell me something girl..' opening line of Shallow, I get chills throughout my body. WATCH THIS HEART RETCHING BEAUTIFULLY ACTED MOVIE PEOPLE.

Here in the UK we basically got Infinity War a whole day early before the US. I went at midnight with my girlfriend and my friend, I then had the second of two very visceral reactions to a movie ever. I was shaking, I was enthralled, I was enamoured with the magnitude the film gave to this story and to these characters. I can't truly explain how important this film felt while watching it with a PACKED cinema in the dead of night. I then spent the next 24 hours, basically living in a world where only I and a select few actually knew what happened in the movie. Seeing comments of excitement for the movie to come out were so surreal after seeing the movie. Needless to say this has permeated culture in a way that I don't think anything has before. Endgame cannot come any sooner.

Love Triangle? CHECK! LGBTQ+ lead characters? CHECK! Mocking the period it is set in? CHECK! A side plot that is super intriguing but is treated as fodder around the main story but then it actually acts as a piece to be played inside the main story. CHECK! People, this movie is crazy good, I mean it's really good, it is acted to perfection by the three LEADS. It is a wonderfully intricate story. THIS FUCKIN RULES PEOPLE! Old people walked out when they realised it was a lesbian story! AHAHAHA I LOVE IT MAN!

The most painfully realistic movie I have ever seen. It made me realise that I have more in common with this lead character than any other before it. I hated watching it throughout and it feels like it was just what they wanted. This is probably the best movie I have ever seen, even though I don't think it's my favourite movie. This is a special movie, this should've won best picture, this should be the movie everyone is talking about.
2018's Best Of The Year
- Wrestling (The Fluffies)
First Published 13th January 2019
Welcome to the now OFFICIALLY annual Fluffy awards. DISCLAIMER: I am no Meltzer, so I won't have watched everything, couple that with the fact that this year, since WrestleMania 34, I've basically sat out WWE entirely. WHOOPS, anyway here are my awards.
Male Wrestler Of The Year - Kenny Omega
Male Wrestler Of The Year - Kenny Omega
Yes, last years runner-up is this years absolute best. I think Kenny is gonna be at the top of this category for years and years to come, but the reason he's here this year is not only has he put on the best match I've ever seen, but he is on my list of potential MOTY contenders more than anyone else. He also finally captured the converted IWGP Heavyweight Championship this year in said match. It feels like relatively slower year for him compared to last years series with Okada, but looking at all the great matches he had this year completely foils that.
Honourable Mentions:
Tomohiro Ishii
His G1 was incredible, his UK matches were incredible and his New Japan matches were incredible. Ishii had a run with RevPro's British Heavyweight Championship this year while feuding in both RevPro and New Japan with Minoru Suzuki, (who could've easily have made this list too) and I was lucky enough to see most of these matches LIVE, so completely bias there. But again Ishii's G1 was stunning, with matches with Goto and Omega were standouts. I really want him to be IWGP Heavyweight Champion now.
Johnny Gargano
What a fucking ride Gargano's year has been. Stellar match after Stellar match on NXT Takeover's, as well as an absolutely enthralling feud with former DIY partner Tommaso Ciampa, a great babyface performance into a great heel performance. I hope Gargano keeps the ball rolling.
Female Wrestler Of The Year - Becky Lynch
To be quite frank, I haven't been watching much WWE, but Becky Lynch is my favourite horsewomen, and everyone went shit crazy about her heel stuff, I did watch her Raw invasion segment where she had the iconic image of her standing in the crowd with blood streaming down her face. Then her tweets afterwards completely destroying Ronda were really great. Basically I think she is one of the best characters in wrestling and I wanna see what she's doing at WrestleMania.
Honourable Mentions:
Toni Storm
Last Years Breakout Woman, this years runner up to the BEST. Toni Storm feels like she continually grows as a wrestler every time we see her and it is great, this year she won the Mae Young Classic beating Io Shirai and has been a prominent feature on NXT UK.
Kairi Sane
Kairi had another great year in wrestling, Mae Young Classic as well as winning (and then losing) the NXT Women's Championship with some pretty good matches with Shayna Baszler.
Tag Team Of The Year - The Young Bucks
Yes, again for a second year running The Young Bucks make it here. We all know they are the pinnacle of Tag Team wrestling but again, same as last year, Being The Elite has done some absolutely INSANE things this year, All In, and the announcement of AEW, which I guess technically happened on 2019. Regardless they are truly CHANGING THE WORLD.
Honourable Mentions:
The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly & Roderick Strong)
Well at the tail end of 2017 they were really great and making themselves known. This year however, they added Roderick Strong and decided to pair up KOR with him due to O'Reilly's former reDRagon member Bobby Fish being out injured. and this team is absolutely incredible. They won the NXT Tag Team Championship late 2017 but carried them pretty much all through this year, with one hiccup against Moustache Mountain in a great match.
Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA)
Just a great team, I love this duo a whole lot and I think they are consistently New Japan's best Heavyweight Tag Team around.
Male Breakout Year - Hangman Page
Between Hangman and Number two on the list it was pretty fucking hard call to make. And although in kayfabe the runner-up definitely had a better year, I think Hangman Page is just a slightly better wrestler. Hangman has really impressed me this year, his G1 was great (even though he lost a lot) and he had two really great matches with Joey Janela and Jay White. AEW looks like it will give Hangman a chance to shine brighter.
Honourable Mentions:
Jay White
Speaking of. Yes, Jay White was the very very close second here, but man oh man has he had a great year, I didn't think much of his New Japan debut match with Tanahashi at Wrestle Kingdom 12, but since that point he has had some great matches and moments, his formerly mentioned match with Hangman, his match with Okada in the G1, and his whole G1 to be quite honest, and then he took leadership over Bullet Club. He is sure to have his biggest year yet in 2019.
Juice Robinson
I fucking love Juice Robinson, I feel like he is so close to being talked about everywhere and being the most hot commodity. His G1 with his cast and hand injury, his feud with Jay White and then Cody. Just some great stuff can't wait for more.
Female Breakout Year - Ronda Rousey
I mean I don't think there is any question here, even me, the one who hasn't been watching much WWE this year knows that Ronda is a Kurt Angle or a Chad Gable, just understanding the sport and being a natural immediately. I fucking loved her debut match at WrestleMania, and I have it on good authority that she has kept up the good work too.
Honourable Mentions:
Jordynne Grace
This was my first exposure to Jordynne Grace this year, but she absolutely blew me away in the All In Battle Royal and then later in PROGRESS wrestling. She is truly a one of a kind women's wrestler and I want to see her more.
Rhea Ripley
WOWOW. What a good surprise Rhea Ripley has been, she is probably one of the most convincing wrestlers I've ever seen, what a great young talent and the first ever NXT UK Women's Champion!
Tag Team Breakout Year - Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly & Roderick Strong)
Before you chant cheater, Let's be clear, this is the first time these two have been a consistent tag team. If this was reDRagon then you would've had a fair point. But it isn't. See tag team of the year honourable mentions for more info.
Honourable Mentions:
Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles)
No one else would put these two here, but I fucking loved these two as a team. Purely formed because Taiji needed a partner for the Juniors Tag Tournament, these two have a really incredible chemistry which I found being magnetised to watch. Maybe because this was the first time I had seen Robbie Eagles in action as well but I really loved this team and I hope we see more of it soon.
Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch
These guys are here because they had a great match at a Takeover after I had wanted them to tea for a long time, and then they kinda subsided again afterwards. I love these two and I want them to be used more consistently, I kinda hope they turn up on NXT UK TV.
Top 15 Matches Of The Year
Well, there was so many matches I wanted to praise, that I've turned this from Top 10 to Top 15, god knows if it'll be 15 again next year or not.
15. Jay White vs Hangman Page - NJPW Strong Style Evolved
14. Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Almas - NXT Takeover: Philadelphia
13. Kenny Omega vs Pentagon Jr - All In
12. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii - RevPro Global Wars UK
11. Hangman Page vs Joey Janela - All In
10. Adam Cole vs EC3 vs Killian Dain vs Lars Sullivan vs Ricochet vs Velveteen Dream - NXT Takeover: New Orleans
9. Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr vs Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW Strong Style Evolved UK: Milton Keynes
8. Minoru Suzuki vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW The New Beginning in Sapparo
7. Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon - WWE WrestleMania 34
6. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW Power Struggle
5. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: Chicago
4. Kazuchika Okada vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 17
3. Kenny Omega vs Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 14
2. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: New Orleans
1. Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega IV - NJPW Dominion
Honourable Mentions:
Hiromu Takahashi vs KUSHIDA vs Marty Scurll vs Will Ospreay - NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12, Kenny Omega vs Chris Jericho - NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12, Adam Cole vs Aleister Black - NXT Takeover: Philadelphia, Men's Royal Rumble - WWE Royal Rumble, Women's Royal Rumble - WWE Royal Rumble, SANADA vs Kazuchika Okada - NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka, Golden Lovers vs The Young Bucks - NJPW Strong Style Evolved, Buddy Murphy vs Kalisto - WWE 205 Live, Tetsuya Naito vs Chris Jericho - NJPW Dominion, The Young Bucks vs SANADA & EVIL - NJPW G1 Special in San Francisco, Jay White vs Juice Robinson - NJPW G1 Special in San Francisco, Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Minoru Suzuki - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 1, Zack Sabre Jr vs SANADA - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 6, Juice Robinson vs Tetsuya Naito - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 6, Kenny Omega vs Kota Ibushi - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 18, Kota Ibushi vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW G1 Climax 28 Final, Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 4, Chris Jericho vs EVIL - NJPW Power Struggle.
Top 5 Feuds Of The Year
5. Kenny Omega vs Cody
This was the biggest story in wrestling for a brief period this year, and it is all down to BTE's mastery story telling at work.
4. The Elite vs Bullet Club
But I preferred this second civil war that happened immediately after the first. Watching The Elite bond as a band of brothers while the Guerillas Of Destiny with Haku lay them to waste and then watching as Bullet Club OGs garned some of the best talent in the world while The Elite got broken down was a great watch.
3. Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Unfortunately we didn't get the pay off this year, but it has happened as of writing and I can say this whole lead up about whos wrestling styles are better, who's the ace etc etc, have been a really cool way of building a match between two of the absolute best wrestlers.
2. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii
These are two of my favourite wrestlers right now just because of this series alone, I just love watching two big brutal old guys forearming each other. It fucking rules.
1. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa
I mean, it couldn't be anything else, just the most interesting storyline to happen in wrestling all year. coupled with an amazing trilogy. This is a culmination of teasing from even before they won the tag team championships, during the CWC and from there. Just a great story.
Event Of The Year - All In
The most refreshing feeling variety show of great fucking wrestling throughout, it completely changed the way us fans look at wrestling, this felt completely different and exciting. I cannot wait to see where AEW goes all because of this one show.
Promotion Of The Year: New Japan Pro Wrestling
Second year running but not particularly surprising, New Japan are just a wonderful company that continue to put on the best that wrestling has to offer.
That was it! Hope you enjoyed the awards, check out some of those matches and see you all next year!
Honourable Mentions:
Tomohiro Ishii
His G1 was incredible, his UK matches were incredible and his New Japan matches were incredible. Ishii had a run with RevPro's British Heavyweight Championship this year while feuding in both RevPro and New Japan with Minoru Suzuki, (who could've easily have made this list too) and I was lucky enough to see most of these matches LIVE, so completely bias there. But again Ishii's G1 was stunning, with matches with Goto and Omega were standouts. I really want him to be IWGP Heavyweight Champion now.
Johnny Gargano
What a fucking ride Gargano's year has been. Stellar match after Stellar match on NXT Takeover's, as well as an absolutely enthralling feud with former DIY partner Tommaso Ciampa, a great babyface performance into a great heel performance. I hope Gargano keeps the ball rolling.
Female Wrestler Of The Year - Becky Lynch
To be quite frank, I haven't been watching much WWE, but Becky Lynch is my favourite horsewomen, and everyone went shit crazy about her heel stuff, I did watch her Raw invasion segment where she had the iconic image of her standing in the crowd with blood streaming down her face. Then her tweets afterwards completely destroying Ronda were really great. Basically I think she is one of the best characters in wrestling and I wanna see what she's doing at WrestleMania.
Honourable Mentions:
Toni Storm
Last Years Breakout Woman, this years runner up to the BEST. Toni Storm feels like she continually grows as a wrestler every time we see her and it is great, this year she won the Mae Young Classic beating Io Shirai and has been a prominent feature on NXT UK.
Kairi Sane
Kairi had another great year in wrestling, Mae Young Classic as well as winning (and then losing) the NXT Women's Championship with some pretty good matches with Shayna Baszler.
Tag Team Of The Year - The Young Bucks
Yes, again for a second year running The Young Bucks make it here. We all know they are the pinnacle of Tag Team wrestling but again, same as last year, Being The Elite has done some absolutely INSANE things this year, All In, and the announcement of AEW, which I guess technically happened on 2019. Regardless they are truly CHANGING THE WORLD.
Honourable Mentions:
The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly & Roderick Strong)
Well at the tail end of 2017 they were really great and making themselves known. This year however, they added Roderick Strong and decided to pair up KOR with him due to O'Reilly's former reDRagon member Bobby Fish being out injured. and this team is absolutely incredible. They won the NXT Tag Team Championship late 2017 but carried them pretty much all through this year, with one hiccup against Moustache Mountain in a great match.
Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA)
Just a great team, I love this duo a whole lot and I think they are consistently New Japan's best Heavyweight Tag Team around.
Male Breakout Year - Hangman Page
Between Hangman and Number two on the list it was pretty fucking hard call to make. And although in kayfabe the runner-up definitely had a better year, I think Hangman Page is just a slightly better wrestler. Hangman has really impressed me this year, his G1 was great (even though he lost a lot) and he had two really great matches with Joey Janela and Jay White. AEW looks like it will give Hangman a chance to shine brighter.
Honourable Mentions:
Jay White
Speaking of. Yes, Jay White was the very very close second here, but man oh man has he had a great year, I didn't think much of his New Japan debut match with Tanahashi at Wrestle Kingdom 12, but since that point he has had some great matches and moments, his formerly mentioned match with Hangman, his match with Okada in the G1, and his whole G1 to be quite honest, and then he took leadership over Bullet Club. He is sure to have his biggest year yet in 2019.
Juice Robinson
I fucking love Juice Robinson, I feel like he is so close to being talked about everywhere and being the most hot commodity. His G1 with his cast and hand injury, his feud with Jay White and then Cody. Just some great stuff can't wait for more.
Female Breakout Year - Ronda Rousey
I mean I don't think there is any question here, even me, the one who hasn't been watching much WWE this year knows that Ronda is a Kurt Angle or a Chad Gable, just understanding the sport and being a natural immediately. I fucking loved her debut match at WrestleMania, and I have it on good authority that she has kept up the good work too.
Honourable Mentions:
Jordynne Grace
This was my first exposure to Jordynne Grace this year, but she absolutely blew me away in the All In Battle Royal and then later in PROGRESS wrestling. She is truly a one of a kind women's wrestler and I want to see her more.
Rhea Ripley
WOWOW. What a good surprise Rhea Ripley has been, she is probably one of the most convincing wrestlers I've ever seen, what a great young talent and the first ever NXT UK Women's Champion!
Tag Team Breakout Year - Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly & Roderick Strong)
Before you chant cheater, Let's be clear, this is the first time these two have been a consistent tag team. If this was reDRagon then you would've had a fair point. But it isn't. See tag team of the year honourable mentions for more info.
Honourable Mentions:
Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles)
No one else would put these two here, but I fucking loved these two as a team. Purely formed because Taiji needed a partner for the Juniors Tag Tournament, these two have a really incredible chemistry which I found being magnetised to watch. Maybe because this was the first time I had seen Robbie Eagles in action as well but I really loved this team and I hope we see more of it soon.
Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch
These guys are here because they had a great match at a Takeover after I had wanted them to tea for a long time, and then they kinda subsided again afterwards. I love these two and I want them to be used more consistently, I kinda hope they turn up on NXT UK TV.
Top 15 Matches Of The Year
Well, there was so many matches I wanted to praise, that I've turned this from Top 10 to Top 15, god knows if it'll be 15 again next year or not.
15. Jay White vs Hangman Page - NJPW Strong Style Evolved
14. Johnny Gargano vs Andrade Almas - NXT Takeover: Philadelphia
13. Kenny Omega vs Pentagon Jr - All In
12. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii - RevPro Global Wars UK
11. Hangman Page vs Joey Janela - All In
10. Adam Cole vs EC3 vs Killian Dain vs Lars Sullivan vs Ricochet vs Velveteen Dream - NXT Takeover: New Orleans
9. Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr vs Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW Strong Style Evolved UK: Milton Keynes
8. Minoru Suzuki vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW The New Beginning in Sapparo
7. Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs Triple H & Stephanie McMahon - WWE WrestleMania 34
6. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW Power Struggle
5. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: Chicago
4. Kazuchika Okada vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 17
3. Kenny Omega vs Tomohiro Ishii - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 14
2. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: New Orleans
1. Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega IV - NJPW Dominion
Honourable Mentions:
Hiromu Takahashi vs KUSHIDA vs Marty Scurll vs Will Ospreay - NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12, Kenny Omega vs Chris Jericho - NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12, Adam Cole vs Aleister Black - NXT Takeover: Philadelphia, Men's Royal Rumble - WWE Royal Rumble, Women's Royal Rumble - WWE Royal Rumble, SANADA vs Kazuchika Okada - NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka, Golden Lovers vs The Young Bucks - NJPW Strong Style Evolved, Buddy Murphy vs Kalisto - WWE 205 Live, Tetsuya Naito vs Chris Jericho - NJPW Dominion, The Young Bucks vs SANADA & EVIL - NJPW G1 Special in San Francisco, Jay White vs Juice Robinson - NJPW G1 Special in San Francisco, Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Minoru Suzuki - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 1, Zack Sabre Jr vs SANADA - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 6, Juice Robinson vs Tetsuya Naito - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 6, Kenny Omega vs Kota Ibushi - NJPW G1 Climax 28: Night 18, Kota Ibushi vs Hiroshi Tanahashi - NJPW G1 Climax 28 Final, Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa - NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 4, Chris Jericho vs EVIL - NJPW Power Struggle.
Top 5 Feuds Of The Year
5. Kenny Omega vs Cody
This was the biggest story in wrestling for a brief period this year, and it is all down to BTE's mastery story telling at work.
4. The Elite vs Bullet Club
But I preferred this second civil war that happened immediately after the first. Watching The Elite bond as a band of brothers while the Guerillas Of Destiny with Haku lay them to waste and then watching as Bullet Club OGs garned some of the best talent in the world while The Elite got broken down was a great watch.
3. Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
Unfortunately we didn't get the pay off this year, but it has happened as of writing and I can say this whole lead up about whos wrestling styles are better, who's the ace etc etc, have been a really cool way of building a match between two of the absolute best wrestlers.
2. Minoru Suzuki vs Tomohiro Ishii
These are two of my favourite wrestlers right now just because of this series alone, I just love watching two big brutal old guys forearming each other. It fucking rules.
1. Johnny Gargano vs Tommaso Ciampa
I mean, it couldn't be anything else, just the most interesting storyline to happen in wrestling all year. coupled with an amazing trilogy. This is a culmination of teasing from even before they won the tag team championships, during the CWC and from there. Just a great story.
Event Of The Year - All In
The most refreshing feeling variety show of great fucking wrestling throughout, it completely changed the way us fans look at wrestling, this felt completely different and exciting. I cannot wait to see where AEW goes all because of this one show.
Promotion Of The Year: New Japan Pro Wrestling
Second year running but not particularly surprising, New Japan are just a wonderful company that continue to put on the best that wrestling has to offer.
That was it! Hope you enjoyed the awards, check out some of those matches and see you all next year!
2018's Best Of The Year - Games
First Published 6th January 2019
HEY, this is all opinions maaan, I don't listen, watch, play, experience, everything that happens in a year. SO CUT ME SOME SLACK.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
VIDJA GAMES ARE COOL AND I LOVE THEM. So many games, so little time. This year I'd say I was the most engaged with playing current and newly released video games as I have ever been, at least as much as my wallet would allow. I also started trying to pick my way through my games collection that I haven't even touched as well. It has been pretty eventful. I think this year has been slightly weaker than 2017 and I think 2019 will be weaker still as we are fast approaching the launch of the next console generation. But I still have 5 games here I really enjoy and wanna talk a little about.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
VIDJA GAMES ARE COOL AND I LOVE THEM. So many games, so little time. This year I'd say I was the most engaged with playing current and newly released video games as I have ever been, at least as much as my wallet would allow. I also started trying to pick my way through my games collection that I haven't even touched as well. It has been pretty eventful. I think this year has been slightly weaker than 2017 and I think 2019 will be weaker still as we are fast approaching the launch of the next console generation. But I still have 5 games here I really enjoy and wanna talk a little about.

What's that? This isn't a new game? This is a remaster? Pffft. It's on PS4 isn't it!? I have also never ever played the original Spyro games on the PS1 and this is my exposure to those games, and man, these are really fun. Also playing this remaster is showing me where the origins of one of my favourite games came from, Insomniac made the original Spyro games and you can see the level design thinking almost paralleling the original Jak game (not the same studio but Naughty Dog and Insomniac had a lot of connection and cross over to each other). Needless to say, I am really enjoying this game, plus the graphics look absolutely incredible and they really did a great job at remastering this. I also am really hoping for Activision to start making new Crash and Spyro games in the vain of the originals. There is an open market for it and every remaster they've done so far has been stellar.

Guess what? I'm kinda cheating again. I have technically, not even touched Hitman 2 content, the reason being is also the same reason this is one of the best games of the year. Hitman 2 included all of the original game in this one within the new engine and the new mechanics being implemented. Disclaimer, you only get that if you buy the pack for the game, which is the same price of the original game, you also get that pack if you own a digital or physical version of the game. Look it all up, it is a bit weird. Anyway, I had vouchers for CEX and I got the original Hitman game on physical with my vouchers just so I could get the maps for Hitman 2. This game is fucking great, the level design is essential o the game being successful or not and they have done an impeccable job. It feels less of a stealth game than it does a puzzle game, working around all the working parts, and adding all the extra challenges around each level, as well as restrictions, and the ability for players to just making their own contracts in each map, gives this game the biggest replay value and just masses and masses of content to delve into, you can really get lost in there. A lot of fun, watch some videos, see if you'll be into it cause the game lends itself to amazing video content too.

I'm literal trash and fighting games, it is a curse, I love watching fighting games and everything about fighting games is super cool to me, but I am BAD at fighting games. Super Smash Bros however, seems to be a different story. I have never owned a Smash game before and this fucking game had the audacity to make me feel competent at a fighting game and care about characters that are from games I've never played. I've just had a blast with this game, I feel like it is one of the most fun purely gameplay experiences I've ever had. Also Joker from Persona 5 is coming real soon, that makes it amazing by default.

WOWOWOW! Tight, great feeling combat? Open world design connecting more linear based areas? Simple but in-depth mechanics and skill trees? All coupled with a high difficulty curve if you want it and a extremely compelling story with interesting characters? You get all of that from this one incredible game. God Of War is one of the games that will be talked about as a MUST HAVE for this entire console generation, It feels so unique in art design as well, the game is truly incredible in every sense. I will say for all of you who may have been deterred from playing this, you do not have to play all those older original God Of War's, this may be connected but you will get by just fine not knowing anything, that was the position I was in and I was fully engaged. Also this is a complete reinvention in gameplay and direction, so if you hated the gameplay of those original games, do not worry! If you can give this game a try, it'll be known as one of the best.

I think, as a unique or creative game coming from 2018, God Of War beats Spider-Man. But If you're asking me what my favourite game of the year is, 1000 times, it will be Spider-Man. Spider-Man definitely feels like it is the 'Greatest Hits' of Batman Arkham games, but in a world full of shit, all I really want is an escape from the world, a feel good time, a great feeling game and a engaging story, and Spider-Man gives me all of that while being about one of the best superheroes of all time. I have complete rose tinted glasses for this game already, but I feel so thankful for Insomniac for creating a game that makes me feel like the most relate-able superhero to ever be created. Peter Parker is the epitome of a wholesome character and being able to be him is a joy. I keep hearing the DLC isn't great, but you know what, if it is an excuse to go back into Manhattan and feel like Spider-Man I will take it.
Honourable Mentions: Red Dead Redemption 2 (as of writing I have not finished the game, I am in Chapter 4 I believe? I HAVE A LOT OF OPINIONS. enough that I will definitely want to at least write something about this game when I finish it), Bayonetta for Switch (I really enjoyed my time with Bayonetta, but that game is fucking hard and I am no good with memerising combos, so it isn't a game that is made for me but I enjoyed my time nontheless), Overcooked 2 (me and a rotating cast of friends and family has made me fall in love with this game, feels like the best chaotic fun that I need to just kill time and hang out with the people I love), A Way Out (A really fun co-op experience with some really cool ideas, the story has a lot to be desired but the gameplay around it is pretty good!), Detroit: Become Human (with a game that looks so visually stunning and that seems so well put together, why are we still getting stories from David Cage. Detroit has a laughable plot and maybe if that's why you wanna try it go ahead, but I think this is now probably one to many games that has been squandered by David Cage's stupid writing. In a world with Until Dawn and Life Is Strange, why are Quantum Dream's talent being squandered by one idioit?), Life Is Strange 2 (I haven't had a chance to even by the game yet, but I want to at least mention it here because I love this series and I played Captain Spirit when it came out and loved that to pieces too.), Astro Bot Rescue Mission (Holy Shit, this is the best PSVR experience I've had so far, granted I don't own a PSVR and I only got to play an hour of a the best levels from a friend who owns the game, but this is a HUGE step forward to selling people on VR, I want to play this whole damn thing, it's just so creative and it feels so fresh, and it looks beautiful)
Honourable Mentions: Red Dead Redemption 2 (as of writing I have not finished the game, I am in Chapter 4 I believe? I HAVE A LOT OF OPINIONS. enough that I will definitely want to at least write something about this game when I finish it), Bayonetta for Switch (I really enjoyed my time with Bayonetta, but that game is fucking hard and I am no good with memerising combos, so it isn't a game that is made for me but I enjoyed my time nontheless), Overcooked 2 (me and a rotating cast of friends and family has made me fall in love with this game, feels like the best chaotic fun that I need to just kill time and hang out with the people I love), A Way Out (A really fun co-op experience with some really cool ideas, the story has a lot to be desired but the gameplay around it is pretty good!), Detroit: Become Human (with a game that looks so visually stunning and that seems so well put together, why are we still getting stories from David Cage. Detroit has a laughable plot and maybe if that's why you wanna try it go ahead, but I think this is now probably one to many games that has been squandered by David Cage's stupid writing. In a world with Until Dawn and Life Is Strange, why are Quantum Dream's talent being squandered by one idioit?), Life Is Strange 2 (I haven't had a chance to even by the game yet, but I want to at least mention it here because I love this series and I played Captain Spirit when it came out and loved that to pieces too.), Astro Bot Rescue Mission (Holy Shit, this is the best PSVR experience I've had so far, granted I don't own a PSVR and I only got to play an hour of a the best levels from a friend who owns the game, but this is a HUGE step forward to selling people on VR, I want to play this whole damn thing, it's just so creative and it feels so fresh, and it looks beautiful)
2018's Best Of The Year - TV
First Published 5th January 2019
HEY, this is all opinions maaan, I don't listen, watch, play, experience, everything that happens in a year. SO CUT ME SOME SLACK.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
I didn't do this one last year, I guess I never really thought I watched a lot of TV, and it turns out I watch a lot of TV, and I don't watch a lot of TV. Television is still in another golden age right now, I thought it was around during Breaking Bad, Game Of Thrones, Dexter etc etc, were making the rounds but it feels like it continues to grow and bloom every year. As such there is TOO MUCH to try and check out and actually finish, as a superhero fan there is already too many comic book shows for me to check out (which I'm actually gonna try and attempt that CW stuff this year, wish me luck), add that too the ever growing animated genres around and the drama TV and it feels like I've barely even scratched the surface. But I was still surprised how much TV I actually did watch, a lot more than I thought. So here is my list of my favourite TV of the year. Honestly some of middle could be interchanged but fuck it, this is the list now.

I enjoyed the majority of Luke Cage season 1, and I am a big fan of the Marvel Netflix shows in general. So this series was a really great watch. Felt like the whole season had a much more focus, and it had a great character study of Luke Cage, with the ending of the season being extremely compelling. I guess it is sad, then, that we probably won't see the continuation of this. As of right now all of Marvel Netflix seems to be doomed, Iron Fist, Daredevil and this show have all been cancelled, and The Punisher and Jessica Jones feels like they will suffer the same fate after their next seasons are finished and released. All of this seems to be because of the yet to be released Disney Plus and the planned MCU TV to come out of there, let's hope this isn't the end of these characters, but more specifically these portrayals.

I won't lie to you, this is actually the first season of It's Always Sunny where I felt that it was a bit weak in places. This has quickly become, over the past 2-3 years, one of my favourite shows of all time. But this time around I felt they may have cut a bit too close to the wound. The show was always in poor taste, in the best way, but this season saw them tackle of lot of polarising politics and social issues that have cropped up since Trump's presidency, and sure in America it is more divided and more prominent, but for me, I don't wanna think about it, or make fun of it, I want to have escape from everything about the world that makes me depressed. But look, these are just a couple of episodes, and most of this series leans on the goofy and ridiculous just the way I like it, and everything I love about the show is still here. Plus we have a shocking closer to this season with a interpretive dance made by Mac, who wants to express how he feels as a gay man. A HUGE departure from It's Always Sunny's usual antics and it is beautiful and poignant in a way that is very surprising.With all that considered, that's why it sits here.

I don't really know what to say about Patrick Melrose, other than I really enjoyed it, and going in not knowing what this was about was a real blessing. Benedict Cumberbatch pulls out another great performance, I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you are interested in this is anyway, at least watch 2 episodes. The first episode is not the be all and end all of this miniseries, I saw some people drop out after the first episode thinking it was one thing, when in actuality it is something else. If you continue with this show you will be treated. And that is all I want to say about this show, take a look if you're interested.

I won't lie to you, this is a young adult superhero show, that means there is a certain level of, I guess the best word is, dramatics, but it is in a coming-of-age story, and I think it gets away with a lot of that, but if you don't like that sort of thing I would skip this. But all of you out there who don't have any issues with that, this show is a great time. We have a lot of different issues being tackled but not so much to lose focus away from the powers and the special connection the two lead characters have. Acting is superb, chemistry is brilliant and story is wonderful. This show stuck with me for the majority of the year as I kept looking back on it with fond memories.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is also up there with one of my favourite shows of all time. It is the ultimate feel good comedy show, full with interesting and hilarious characters that you feel connected to on a level like you would with best friends. This show pulls you into it's world so easily and you feel like you are a part of the family. This was another stellar season for the NINE-NINE, with a ending cliff hanger that was almost taken away from us when the show was cancelled prematurely early 2018. I and everyone else on twitter had a fit and now we get a Season 6 and an answer to that cliffhanger. It seems that the next season looks to be this shows last, which I am ok with as long as we get full closure and a beautiful ending to a show that has been magical from the begging.

We're back at the Marvel Netflix again, and Jessica Jones is still EXCELLENT. First season was amazing in every single way and although I think this season is slightly weaker, it's still a great TV show in every sense, Krysten Ritter still pours every emotion and depth into Jessica, she should be in more stuff. I'm just getting upset that this show will be gone soon too. Let's move on.

There has been a small reoccurring theme in this post that happened to me throughout the year with my relationship with TV. I used it as escapism from the current political climate we live in, Queer Eye is the show that not only gave me that, but allowed me to live in hope when I thought there was none. Who knew that something so simple as five dudes making others feel good about themselves could tug on such a heart string. This is just a great time from start to finish and we were blessed by Netflix for giving us two seasons of the show within one year. Can't wait for some more to just moreish-ly binge.

My last few years have been an exploration and falling in love with the media of film and cinema, as such I have spent more hours reading, listening, exploring and watching reviews and information about movies almost as much maybe more than actually watching any movies. By doing that I come across and become fans of people who talk about movies, and one of my top go-to reviewers is Mark Kermode. This year he released a new show on the BBC all about Movie genres, their tropes, the story common occurrences, and it all adds up to a really interesting case study of each movie genre covered in each episode as well as lovely dose of movie recommendations. I loved my time with this show and I can't wait for some more.

Imagine a show, where a bunch of comedians you know, some you don't just do weird fucking tasks as a competition, all being judged by everyone's former teacher turned comedian Greg Davies? Sounds pretty funny right? Now imagine your least favourite comedian, who you just don't find them that funny, they go on the show and you CRY with laughter, that is the magic of Taskmaster. Taskmaster manages to make comedians and just personalities you barely know or don't know or just dislike become some of the funniest people in the world and it has been doing this for 4 years. I have been a big fan of this show since Series 2 in 2016, but this year really hit a peak for the show. Series 6 of the show might be my favourite so far. The cast were all lovable in their own ways and it made me really invest in the stupidest cheesy dad comedy that Tim Vine does that I was never a fan of before. Greg Davies and Alex Horne are also the perfect pairing and I thank them both for making the show what it is, without them I imagine it wouldn't be the same.

If anyone knows me even slightly then this is no fucking surprise to you in anyway. Daredevil has been a perfect show from begging to end for me. This season of the show is the best season of the show yet and if this does become the end of the show as we know it, at least we got the perfect closing we could ever have. The rapport between Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock and Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk feels like it is the emotional core and gut punch that the comics created so well in between their pages. I've said it a million times, but Daredevil is THE BEST superhero adaption I have ever seen and I don't think anything will touch it for a long time. If you have any kind of affinity for superheroes, please, please, do yourself the favour, watch Daredevil, forget everything else connected to it, (stuff happens in Defenders in between Season 2 and 3 but Netflix have a great recap video on the Daredevil page, just watch that I guess) this show itself is a perfect hero show.
Honourable Mentions: Disenchantment - Season 1 (a nice little surprise of a comedy show, not funny every time all the time but characters are likeable and when it is funny it is very funny), Iron Fist - Season 2 (as of writing I still haven't finished it, I will but other stuff took my time and I wanted to watch Daredevil more than anything else so I skipped straight past this), Maniac - Season 1 (I'm so annoyed I didn't finish this yet, I'm absolutely certain this would be on my list but I just haven't got around to it), The Great British Bake Off - Series 9, I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here - Series 18 (these shows are on every year and I watch them every year, even though they are fantastic they don't really hold a candle to the rest of this list), Sharp Objects - Miniseries (I'm bummed I haven't got round to this one, Amy Adams is great in almost everything so this is on the top of the list to watch), Doctor Who - Series 11 (I HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS about this series of Doctor Who, maybe it will be ready for a different post later, in short, the characters are great, Jodie Whittaker is great, some episodes are pretty good, most episodes are a bit shit :( ).
2018's Best Of The Year - Albums
First Published 4th January 2019
HEY, this is all opinions maaan, I don't listen, watch, play, experience, everything that happens in a year. SO CUT ME SOME SLACK.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
This has been a pretty dire year for me and music, I spent the majority of this year just disinterested in listening to anything, including bands I love and enjoy. As I used the podcast worked as my driving force while working away, this past 2-3 months of the year has been dedicated to listening to as much as I can that I missed. Because of all this it seems I didn't listen to many differing genres, mainly my Hip-Hop love from last year only went to only two albums, and my need from last year to get more great Rock albums has now reared it's head this year. To the point where my TOP 5, is all Rock skewed. Anyway, I'm really happy with my top 5 even though they aren't very varied.
I spent ALL of 2018 preparing for this series of lists. I printed out a bunch of blank lists for each medium I was experiencing, stuck it on the back of the door, noting it down and rating it all. Needless to say, I LOVE LISTS.
This has been a pretty dire year for me and music, I spent the majority of this year just disinterested in listening to anything, including bands I love and enjoy. As I used the podcast worked as my driving force while working away, this past 2-3 months of the year has been dedicated to listening to as much as I can that I missed. Because of all this it seems I didn't listen to many differing genres, mainly my Hip-Hop love from last year only went to only two albums, and my need from last year to get more great Rock albums has now reared it's head this year. To the point where my TOP 5, is all Rock skewed. Anyway, I'm really happy with my top 5 even though they aren't very varied.

As a self-proclaimed metal fan, it would come as a shock to you that I hadn't listened to much of the influential metal band from my home country. But it is true, I knew only two big hits from Priest before listening to this album. This is my first Priest album, and it is fucking awesome. These past few years has felt like metal and rock music has slowly been dying off, there hasn't been that one big band with that one amazing album in a long time. But here is the gate keepers to the genre putting out one of the best metal albums of the past few years like they were still in their prime. The most notable parts of this album is the refreshing mix of metal styles throughout the album, we go from thrashy, powerful, high octane metal in songs like Firepower, Lightning Strike and Traitor's Gate, to some soulful power metal ballads like Never The Heroes and Rising From Ruins, but then you also have chugging grungy heavy cuts like Evil Never Dies and Spectre. I haven't even mentioned some of the catchy later half of the album like No Surrender and Lone Wolf. Rob Halford puts out a performance that is outstanding for someone who's been doing this for so long, especially when his peers have voices that are slowly deteriorating at the same age. But lets not give the most popular member all of the credit, some of these guitar riffs are absolutely superb, Glenn Tipton and Richie Faulkner, the guitarists of Priest, come up with just some amazing guitar sections that stay with you. Basically what I'm saying to you is that this LP has it all when it comes to Metal of the past 5 to 10 years, it almost feels like this is apex, the pinnacle of this style of metal we've had for a while, and it's time for someone else to come in and take mainstream metal music in a new refreshing direction.

Although Slaves is the, what's the best phrase, cheesiest band on this list, at least when it comes to lyrics, I still love their sound, and after a pretty poor second album this record gets back on track to how the Are You Satisfied? felt. Sure this thing isn't better than their debut, but it is the follow-up that I wanted initially. This album just hits a lot of right notes for me, catchy punk with a mainstream appeal. If it's the strong abrasive but simple tracks like Cut and Run and Bugs, or if it's just the catchy but swelling cuts like Chokehold and Photo Opportunity, the songs on this albums just hit every note perfectly for me. I really love Isaac story telling here too, again, the lyrics of Slaves may come off a bit kitsch, but I really enjoy it for the music they are trying to make. I think a major helper in this though is the tight track count, with only 9 tracks with a total run time of roughly half an hour, it's really hard to go wrong. Unlike their previous record which had 16 tracks that felt messy in comparison. It feels like the two lads really put their heads together and knuckled down to give the fans the most concise pleasing album and it works really well.

The first album of the year I listened to and said 'early contender for my favourite album' and it stayed here all year to now sit as my third favourite of the year. The Voidz is a new band I've been introduced to and I'm very happy I was. This was the first album I listened to and realised 'yeah, this is where rock is going'. The surreal and bizarre sounds of the initial listen is intriguing, but over time you get really tied into the unconventional nature of the music and you find the catchy songs within. After each listen through of the album it felt like it just made more and more sense. I love the Art Rock direction, this isn't something I have ever really listened to and it honestly opened my mind to future LPs I listened to later on in the year. Julian Casablancas is the spear head to this whole album, with vocals that screech is the best way, shifting is pitch up and down, but then also having textured rock moments and softer more sombre parts. Also using different voice effects throughout the album allows for his sections to combine really fluidly with the amazing and off-the-wall guitar and keyboard. To all you Strokes fans out there, I'm sure you already know about all this anyway, but I'd say you'd be super into this, you definitely feel the same vibe, albeit with the art rock edge. This whole album is just well put together, all the songs manage to take you through a journey with it's different layers and vibes throughout. I think anybody who believes they are a rock fan, should listen to this, it feels like a turning point along with a couple other examples (foreshadowing).

Is there a more perfectly titled album than this, Joy as an Act of Resistance. It is what it says on the fucking tin. IDLES have come back just one year after their debut record and blown everyone out of the water. The band feel as aggressive as ever with this absolute brutal tracklist all about loving each other and yourself in front of adversity. The ever present 'FUCK TORIES' message is still here, but contained in well written lyrics and tension building, ear blistering guitars. Last years effort Brutalism had me saying 'some tracks can drag and blend into each other', which didn't bother me so much just because I loved their sound and Joe's vocals so much, now this is completely gone, the songwriting has come leaps and bounds, and almost every track on this album is in the same category as my favourite songs from the previous album. And although I straight up don't like some of the cuts on here, the rest I do love, really hit me in the right way at this point in my life, it feels like an album that understands what I'm feeling and thinking about this country I'm living in, and this current political climate, that's why it is one of my favourite albums of my lifetime, even with its faults. Great is a song that feels like it's talking about the environment I've grown up around, while Samaritans talks about masculinity, a topic I have recently made a very strong opinion on, and this happens throughout the whole record. I feel like this is the anthem of RIGHT NOW for me personally.

The debut record for the new project led by two members from The Drones, I have never listened to any Drones music, so I don't know how this differs from that work, but for me Tropical Fuck Storm, similarly to what I said about The Voidz, feels like the cusp of what Rock music is about to be, and also like IDLES, in some of its lyrics encapsulates what I'm feeling and thinking currently in 2018. TFS feels like the rock epiphany that has been accumulating all this time and it explodes in this cacophony of heavy, gritty guitars combined with the eccentric vocals of Gareth Liddiard and the clean harmonies of Fiona and Erica, who also play bass and guitar respectively. The experimentation of this whole album is what I've been looking for so long and I feel like it was just given to me on a beautifully disgusting platter to enjoy over and over again.
Honourable Mentions: Kids See Ghosts - Kids See Ghosts (this shit fuckin rules, I need to listen to more kanye), Brockhampton - iridescence (the boy band went through a lot of shit this year, and unfortunately I wasn't ecstatic about this record), Jack White - Boarding House Reach (My favourite Jack White solo record so far, but still a little messy for my liking, still some great experimental stuff tho), Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want (this is here cause I've only listened to it once as of writing and I plan on listening to it a couple more times! Seems p good man), Marc Rebillet (in general, he did release an album and an EP, but the man also makes YouTube videos, and most of his music is improv anyway, he's just so damn catchy and funny, he's great).